Tribalism, sectarianism affecting Nagas politically and socially: TR

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Naga Students’ Union Delhi observe Diamond jubilee cum Naga meet

NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 12 (MExN): Nagaland’s Deputy Chief Minster, TR Zeliang on Saturday lamented that tribalism and sectarianism have been directly or indirectly affecting the Nagas politically and socially and made a clarion call for getting rid of these setbacks in order to secure a safe future. 

“Today, tribalism and sectarianism is the problem of the Naga people. It is because of this, the Nagas are unable to match with the higher order of democratic values,” Zeliang stated while addressing the Diamond jubilee celebration of Naga Students’ Union Delhi (NSUD) cum Naga Meet held under the theme “Rekindling the flame of Naga Unity” at Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi. 

“We have created a negative attitude of one tribe over the other and ‘Unity’ applies mostly to one’s own tribe. We favour our own dialect, culture, tradition, practices etc. but pave no way for other tribes to co-exist among us,” the Deputy CM went on to stress. 
Stating that we blame external forces for geographical division and sub-division of the Nagas and while this being true, he however pointed out that none can stand in our way if we are united politically and socially. 

On a similar vein, Zeliang also termed it unfortunate that Naga civil society organisations and student organisations at various levels are fragmented and it has reached an almost irreparable stage. However, he said there is a ray of hope for coming together with sensible citizens under the banner of organisations like Naga Students Union in Delhi and other cities are working hard and have continued to keep the torch of Naga unity burning till today.


‘Don’t blame only GoI, we must admit our own shortcomings’
Dwelling on the Naga political issue, the Deputy CM said Nagas should not blame only the Government of India for undue delay in resolving the Naga political issue but “somewhere we have to admit our own shortcoming- which is the infighting within ourselves particularly between the two negotiating Naga groups.”   

As for the role of the MLAs and MPs from Nagaland and Manipur on the Naga political issue, Zeliang asserted that they have given their best and we will continue to do so as facilitators. The Deputy CM also highlighted his personal experiences and the roles played by him and his colleagues in the Nagaland Legislative Assembly towards facilitating the NSCN (IM) and the 7 NNPGs to engage in peace talks with the Government of India following the signing of the ‘Framework Agreement’ and the ‘Agreed Position.’

Coming to the present, Zeliang said NLA has 6 political parties including 2 Independents and all the 60 members are in unison for early solution to the protracted Naga political issue and wants solution in letter and in spirit. 

In recent times, with the formation of Coordination Committee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI), the NDPP led government under the leadership of Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio has been pushing forward the issue at various levels and is actively facilitating in finding a solution to the decades old Naga Political issue, he maintained.

Zeliang said he was sharing all these facts today because “we need to know what had happened and is happening around us.”

 “We are at a crucial juncture when the Indo-Naga Peace Talk is either at the verge of a final breakthrough or is going to face a dead-lock,” he stated. 

The Deputy CM said at a critical time such as now, a time when the Nagas are encountering various social and political issues both in India and Myanmar, it is important for all to stand together as a united entity. He said the present generation is faced with numerous obstacles in several front due to the unresolved Naga political issue and we should not leave it unsettled for our posterity. 

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