Sunday school children heralding 150 yrs of Christianity in Nagaland

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Prayer Walk across Nagaland on June 26

Our Correspondent
Kohima | June 21

As Nagaland celebrates 150 years of Christianity in Nagaland, the Christian Education Department of Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) is organizing a prayer walk for Sunday school children to herald the year of God’s favour upon Nagaland on June 26 at 2:00pm.

“As we celebrate the coming of the gospel to Nagaland 150 years ago, we also realize that we live in a tumultuous and broken world, surrounded by heartache, despair and pain. The world and our churches need a praying generation to call upon the Lord in one voice, to give honour and praise, to give thanks for bringing salvation to us, and to beseech God to show mercy on us and heal our land,” stated Bideno Kikon, Secretary, Christian Education department, NBCC.

With this in mind and to encourage all the children to be part of this great event during our lifetime, the Prayer Walk has been designed where children from all over Nagaland will be participating in this program, celebrating and heralding 150 years of Christianity by praying for Nagaland, Kikon stated.

“Our story is one of love and grace. We were once walking in darkness, under the shadow of death, but a great light has shown upon us (Isaiah 9:2). Our story is His Story. Our celebration must lead us to true repentance and live out the grand narrative of love and grace,” Kikon added.

Children from age 6-15 will join this prayer walk.

Respective churches have been requested to prepare a banner or two with the church logo and the wording “Nagaland celebrates 150 years of Christianity,” or “Heralding the coming of Christianity 150 years ago” and “Proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favour upon the Nagas.”

Children have been requested to wear at least one traditional attire during the prayer walk.

Children will gather at their respective church, pray together and proceed to a designated place in the town, village heralding the coming of Christianity into Nagaland and conduct a concerted prayer fellowship.

Prayer points for Prayer Walk

• Give thanks to God for the Gospel that was brought to Nagaland through the Missionaries.
• Give thanks to God for the foresight of our first grandparents for accepting Christianity and bringing a new dawn in our Land.
• Pray for forgiveness of our sins and the sins of our state.
• Pray for the Sesquicentennial Celebration of NBCC from November 19-20 this year that as Nagas, all will come together in the bonds of unity and love.
• Pray for all those who are in a leadership position- Association, Church, State, Town, Village, for them to fear and honour God and to have love for the people they serve.
• Pray for all the teachers who nurtures, teaches, moulds and guides the children.
• Pray for all the children for they are our tomorrow, our future.
• Pray for the vulnerable and down trodden- the orphans, sick, destitute, and abused etc.
• Pray for the lost and unreached- Nominal Christians, Drugs and alcohol abusers, people of other faiths and atheists etc.
• Pray for war torn countries- for restoration of peace, vulnerable, victims of war.
• Pray for the upcoming election in 2023 and Clean Election movement- to have clean and peaceful election without bribery, conflicts- adhering to one person one vote.
• Pray for all those people who are involved in planning the programme for the celebration of 150 years of Christianity in Nagaland as well as the participants.


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