STOP Diarrhoea Campaign 2024 launched across Nagaland

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Kohima, July 2 (MExN): The health department launched the ‘Stop Diarrhoea Campaign 2024’ across Nagaland on July 1. The nationwide campaign from July 1 to August 31, aims at reducing the child deaths due to diarrhea, with a two-month drive and co-packaging of ORS and zinc for children under five years of age. During the campaign, ORS & Zinc will be distributed to all health units and AWCs.

Kohima: Office of the Chief Medical Officer, Kohima along with District Health Society, NHM organised a launching of ‘Stop Diarrhoea Campaign 2024’ by Rhosietho Nguori, NCS Additional Deputy Commissioner Kohima. 

Exhorting the people present, acknowledged participants from allied departments present at the launching campaign, it was cited that prevalence of Diarrhoea still is very high in places like Dimapur and Kohima, should focus on sanitation mainly on personal hygiene and community hygiene.

Dr Khrievilhou, DPO (RCH/UIP) said that Diarrhoea still high in India below Five (5) years of age. He cited that ORS & Zinc combination has decreased the deaths to 50.6%. In this regard, availability of ORS & Zinc is very important which will prevent and control diarrhoea, also informed about the Home preparation of ORS. 

ADC Kohima Rhosietho Nguori officially launched the campaign and reminded all allied departments to coordinate and assured to carry out all activities timely.

Longleng: The District Health Society Longleng launched Stop Diarrhoea Campaign under the theme’ STOP Diarrhoea through Hygiene and ORS’ at CMO conference hall Longleng. 

A press release by Media Officer CMO office Longleng stated that Dr Tiasunep CMO Longleng gave a briefing on Diarrhoea, preventive measures and Hygiene. He encouraged every one present to disseminate the awareness about Diarrhoea, usage of ORS and Zinc tablets to the Community 

Dr S Imnameren Phom DPO RCH/UIP gave Keynote address with short presentation on the theme, intervention to prevent Diarrhoea, key measures to prevent Diarrhoea and treatment, preparation of ORS and key messages for awareness generation to be used during Stop Diarrhoea Campaign.  

He stated that Stop Diarrhoea Campaign aims to attain Zero child death due to Childhood Diarrhoea; involves a 2 months (July 1 to August 31) long drive with pre- positioning of Two ORS packets and Zinc as a co-packaging to under-5 children and mentioned that Diarrhoea can be prevented with use of safe drinking water, hand washing, sanitation, Immunization and appropriate nutrition.

Deputy Commissioner Longleng, Dharam Raj IAS officially launched the Stop Diarrhoea Campaign. He encouraged enhancing awareness among the masses and he advised to maintain proper sanitations and personal Hygiene and to use safe drinking water not only to control Diarrhoea but also to prevent from other diseases. He emphasised on the importance of sensitizing the general public along with enhancing capacity building efforts to strengthen Diarrhoea management efforts within the District. 

Short speeches were delivered by Phom Peoples Council President and Phomla Hoichem. The programme was attended by Phom Peoples Council President, Phom Students Conference President, Phomla Hoichem,  Ward Presidents , Medical Officer District Hospital,  CMO staff and ASHAs. 

Similarly the campaign was launched in all the health units under Longleng District.  

Mon: District Health Society, Mon launched ‘Stop Diarrhoea Campaign’ at District Hospital conference hall on July 1. 

Chief Medical Officer, Dr Imnapokim gave a quick overview of the campaign’s objectives as well as a brief rundown of the two months activities to be implemented in the district. He underlined the need of raising public awareness and the need to do so by using a variety of channels to inform people about the program.

Special guest Nyamok Konyak EAC Mon HQ related a personal story in which a life could have been saved if information on the management of diarrhoea had been known at the time. She urged all medical personnel to recommit themselves to the program and work with assiduity, stating that such campaigns will help save lives.

A lecture on diarrhea and its treatment was delivered by pediatrician Dr Chimang Paul of DH, Mon. Asha of Leangha village, Lihnon gave a demonstration on how to make homemade oral rehydration solution, ORS. Pongchai, Block Programme Manager, Mon Block outlined the activities to be implemented in all blocks of the district. 

After the official launch event, Dr Wungyong DPO (RCH&UIP) chaired a coordination meeting with the District Programme Management Unit and the other affiliated departments. He provided a detailed explanation of the duties of the line departments, which included district administration, social welfare, education, NSRLM-RD, and PHED. 

The Stop Diarrhea campaign, the impending Family Planning campaign, and the Anemia Mukt Bharat initiative were among the topics of discussion.

Tuensang: Tuensang District launched the Stop Diarrhoea Campaign with ADC Tuensang, Thungchanbemo Tungoe as guest of honour at District Hospital Conference Hall, Tuensang.

The ADC Tuensang urged the health workers, especially the ASHA and Anganwadi Workers to work with dedication to create awareness campaign on the importance of hand washing and clean drinking water to the children especially in monsoon where different diseases occurred.

Tungoe stated that in the world of science and technology, elimination or reducing of Diarrhoea is easy if we are careful and aware of it. He also said that District Administration is always ready to assist the health workers anytime if needed and urged the workers to create awareness and also distribute ORS and Zinc Tablet to every Child especially in the rural areas in the District.

The programme was attended by government official, NGOs, Doctors and Nurses, Anganwadi Workers and ASHA Workers from Tuensang.

Noklak: Deputy Commissioner, Noklak, Arikumba has launched ‘Stop Diarrhoea Campaign’ at DC’s Conference hall, Noklak on July 1. The DC Noklak requested all the stakeholders to initiate and participate for the successful conduct of the campaign. Stating that, diarrhoea is a disease which can be preventable and curable when proper hygiene and other preventive measures and steps are taken.  DC requests the gathering and all the stakeholders to spread awareness on ‘Stop Diarrhoea Campaign’ in the district.

Chief Medical Officer, Noklak, Dr Victor NC announced that, during the District Task Force on Stop Diarrhoea Campaign meeting  held on June 29, the members discussed to set up dedicated corner which will be stocked with ORS and Zinc tablets to be provided to the patients for free in all health unit. Dr. Victor also elaborated on the hygiene and preventive measures for stopping diarrhoea.

Wokha: District level launching of Stop Diarrhoea Campaign was held at conference hall, Chief Medical Office, Wokha on July 1.

ADC, Wokha K Furhesie Nyuwi addressing the launching campaign as the special guest, appreciated the department for new strategy by upgrading from two week campaign to two month long campaign involving extensive IEC through different platform and collaborating across multiple sectors, including health, water and sanitation, education and rural development.

He emphasised on the importance of sensitizing health workers along with enhancing capacity building efforts to strengthen diarrhoea management efforts in the district. He also urged the line department to actively involve in the campaign because it is a collective responsibility concerning saving the lives of kids attaining zero death due to childhood diarrhoea.

He expressed hope that through this campaign, it will enhance to focus on prevent, protect and treat (PPT) strategy successfully, and appealed the nodal departments to meticulously monitor the campaign and ensure 100% coverage of under-5 child. He further appealed the parents to come forward and avail the service facilities during the two month long campaign. Dr Zuben Kikon CMO, Wokha proposed the welcome note while, Dr Thungchanbeni Patton delivered the key note address.

Zunheboto: The launching programme of Stop Diarrhoea Campaign was held at conference hall, District Hospital Zunheboto with Mopling Phom EAC Zunheboto Sadar as the special guest. 

He stated that the Government has put the trust to the public through various initiatives to stop diarrhoea and it is the duty of the concerned citizens to show support and co-operate with the medical department to make the campaign a success. 

He urged the administration, civil societies and faith based organization that as leaders one should make use of their platforms to share the importance and educate the community in the block and village level. 

EAC Zunheboto also appealed to the public to approach to the health workers, ASHAs especially in the rural areas where services are hard to reach as many cases goes unreported. 

Demonstration of homemade ORS was demonstrated by Toli BAC Sadar using the standard composition of WHO by using of safe drinking water in which the mixture is be consume within 24 hours.

ORS and Zinc tablets were distributed to the participants and the beneficiaries. 

During the campaign, availability of ORS and Zinc to be distributed to children along with their mothers/care-givers suffering from diarrhoea, demonstration on preparation of homemade ORS and awareness on prevention of diarrhoea to parents/caregivers at all health units.

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