‘Ravi issue’ in Naga political dialogue

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Spl. Correspondent / Staff Reporter NEW DELHI / DIMAPUR, Aug12 (NPN):In the pursuit of a permanent peace through an agreement to be signed between the Government of India with various Naga political groups such as– NSCN (I-M) and the Working Committee of Naga Nationalist Political Groups (NNPGs- comprising of seven groups); there is wide speculation that the final agreement was on the offing.


Negotiations have officially ended on October 31, 2019 with all groups and for which the Government of India’s Interlocutor to the Naga Peace Talks R.N. Ravi was to effect fine tuning of a broad based agreement.


R.N. Ravi, who was also appointed as Governor of Nagaland, has been tasked by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to effect an agreement.


However, inking of the final agreement has been temporarily put on hold over the issue of inclusion of Naga flag and Naga constitution (Yehzabo) as demanded by NSCN (I-M) but to which the government of India has not agreed. The NSCN (I-M) said Naga national flag and constitution represent their “national identity” and recognition of the same is a matter of right of the Nagas for an honourable political solution.

The NSCN (I-M) has accused Ravi of not adhering to the spirit of the Framework Agreement signed on August 3, 2015 and in a recent statement, even implied that he is to blame for the current imbroglio.


Ravi has been meeting with various tribal hohos and NGOs. He had met the WC of NNPGs on July 14, 2020. However, the scheduled meeting with NSCN (I-M) in Dimapur could not take place as the group’s chief negotiator Th. Muivah flew to Delhi with his entourage reportedly for health check up. The NSCN (I-M) led by Muivah held a meeting with senior Intelligence Bureau officials in New Delhi on August 10.


In recent developments, NSCN (I-M) through a press statement, has implied that it does not see any resolution of the issue if Ravi continues as Interlocutor. NSCN (I-M) has accused Ravi of misinterpreting the Framework Agreement, the same charge that he made against the group last year.


NH, NMA criticise Ravi: Ravi has been strongly criticised by Naga Hoho and Naga Mothers’ Association (NMA) in separate representations addressed to the Prime Minister.

Naga Hoho accused Ravi of “breaking the hard-earned trust and faith of the people and rendering the 23 years of negotiation meaningless” and smearing “Naga history” and political groups with whom the government was negotiating. NH also cited the self-declaration under instruction of the Governor, on employees having any family members in Naga political groups.


NMA in its letter to the Prime Minister had listed out various matters involving Ravi. It pointed out that Ravi had used the words “armed gangs” to describe Naga political groups when political talks are held with them.


NMA also said profiling Nagas (through self-declaration form) of government employees was objectionable. NMA also demanded cease fire without territorial limits.


WC, ATHN/LH laud Ravi: On the other hand, WC of NNPGs has said continuance of Ravi was imperative since he had played a crucial role in achieving the desired progress for eventual signing of an agreement.

Further, 14 Apex Tribal Hohos of Nagaland as well as Lotha Hoho, in separate statements, had come out in opposing any move to replace Ravi as Interlocutor. The Naga tribal hohos said Ravi has been dealing with the issue for many years and has since, gained much insight into the minds of Nagas and also understood their desire for permanent peace.


The Naga tribes have therefore urged upon the prime minister to not replace Ravi at such a crucial juncture when a final agreement is expected otherwise, it would mean putting back the clock by 23 years.


14 tribal hohos slam NH: 14 Tribal Hohos of Nagaland through its Press & Media Cell on August12, has hit out at Naga Hoho (NH) for holding a meeting with representative of Government of India in New Delhi. The hohos said NH does not represent Nagas of Nagaland since not a single tribe of Nagas from Nagaland is affiliated with it. Therefore, Naga Hoho does not have the mandate of Nagas of Nagaland, the hohos said.


Further, the hohos said that any matter involving concerns of Nagas of Nagaland “should be through the 14 tribes of Nagas of Nagaland” otherwise, the 14 tribes will not be held accountable for decisions taken on their behalf “by any other organisation or Naga Hoho” in respect of Nagaland.


The 14 tribal hohos have warned they will take a united course of action against any individual or organisation if unprecedented threat is meted to any of the tribal leaders in this regard.


Meanwhile Assam finance, health and education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma lauded union home minister Amit Shah’s keen desire for bringing peace in the north east.


In a tweet Sarma said “ The home minister is keen during his tenure Naga issue must be resolved and if possible ULFA issue must be resolved”.

Source: http://www.nagalandpost.com/-ravi-issue-in-naga-political-dialogue/220468.html

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