‘Our past is offering us the gift to change’

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Naga organizations empower NNPGs and NSCN ‘to find realistic ways to move forward in an honorable manner without any interference from internal and external forces’

DIMAPUR, JANUARY 24 (MExN): Several Church and civil society organizations met on January 23 under the initiative of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) to congratulate the NNPGs and NSCN (IM) on their commitment to form the ‘Council of Naga Relationships and Cooperation;’ urge the Naga people to “find deep connection with one another;” while calling upon “all believers in Christ to support prayer programs organized by churches and prayer centers for peace and harmony…”

The meeting was attended by the TPO, Assembly of God, CNTC, FNBA, NGBF, NTC, Naga Shisha Hoho, NPMHR, Naga Hoho, GNF and NMA.

“Lessons from the immediate Naga context of being managed by hands from within and without has taught each other’s strength and discovered ways to correct superfluity. Today, we are discovering the moral center of the Naga people and fellow humanity,” a joint statement from the organizations stated. It further noted that the Naga people “are finding a communal and spiritual ecology to remake our world to generate change.” 

“In today’s global politics, all stakeholders must avoid unsolved conflict to overload political systems, in context, multiplying economic demands, empowering new births, and situational politics of short fixes with sudden shifts have never been productive. All powers be it, are tested and their ‘legitimacy’ and ‘power’ is in question,” it stated. 

It congratulated the NNPGs and the NSCN (IM) on their commitment to form the ‘Council of Naga Relationships and Cooperation’ led by the Convener of NNPGs and the Chairman of NSCN, and declaring their “unconditional commitment to collaborate on the basis of our respective agreement with immediate effect for the resolution of the Naga historical and political rights with the Government of India.” 

“By the same token, we remain fully in support of the NNPGs and NSCN determination and empower them to find realistic ways to move forward in an honorable manner without any interference from internal and external forces,” it affirmed.

Further, it called upon the Naga people to “find deep connection with one another and to form a collective speech and function as a whole in strengthening the commitment to explore, at the earliest, realistic ways to move forward on the basis of Naga historical and political right,” as marked in “Nagas are Moving Ahead,” dated, January 14, 2023.”

On this note, the Church and civil society organizations affirmed to work with immediate effect and urged all individuals and organizations to avoid making statements that create further confusion and division. 

Meanwhile, it asked “all believers in Christ to support prayer programs organized by churches and prayer centers for peace and harmony and triumph over the evils of hate, violence and malicious agenda.” It urged “all the followers of Christ in faith to wage the test of antagonism and intercede to God for truth and righteousness to prevail.” 

The history of the Naga political movement, the statement noted, demonstrates that “all life is a convergence—in hunger for inter-relationship as well as for purpose and meaning to our destiny.” “Today our past is offering us the gift to change. To this we have resolved to work with immediate effect,” it asserted. 

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