Disaster update: Nagaland Govt making all out efforts to reach essential commodities

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The Government of Nagaland is making all out efforts to reach essential commodities including petroleum products to Kiphire and Pungro area which have been completely cut off during the massive landslides and sinking of portions of roads leading to the district from both Meluri and Tuensang sides. According to the district administration, Kiphire has food-stock to last for a couple of days and rationing has been imposed for both food and petroleum products.



The Home department has tied up with the Central Ministry of Home Affairs for Air lifting essential commodities to the cut off areas but this operation is hampered by inclement weather and is on standby at present. Department of Food & Civil Supplies are also geared up and has prepared the food grains for transport as and when the air lifting is feasible.



Meanwhile the officers from the district administration of both Kiphire and Meluri are camped at the spot where a large section of the road has sunk 8 kms from Meluri side and with the help of volunteers have constructed temporary transit camps on either for facilitating manual carriage of essential commodities across the affected area from where trucks can be utilised to transport the goods to Kiphire.



Few goods laden trucks are already reported to be stationed at Meluri while oil tankers are already on their way negotiating via Mao gate towards Meluri with dobashi guides. More essential commodities are expected to reach Meluri soon.



Volunteers of Association of Off-Road Nagaland with specialised light and medium vehicles have left Kohima this morning 2nd August 2018 in route Meluri to assist in the lifting of essential commodities and petrol/diesel. The officials and volunteers at the side are on standby to guide and assist the off roaders in their humanitarian venture.



While the relief and humanitarian works are in full swing, massive restoration works of the affected highways and districts roads are continuing all over the state. All available machineries and manpower along with volunteers are hard at work overtime in all affected areas.



The IG Assam Rifles has also loaned their two JCBs and bulldozer to assist in the restoration works. Trucks and excavators of the various government departments besides the NPWD have all been pressed into service to mitigate and manage this unprecedented natural disaster in the State which have been triggered by unceasing rains in the last few weeks.


(Director, IPR) 




Sl. No. Division Name of Road Type of Damage Action Taken/Status
1 Phek 1. Lozaphulu- Tezatse Road Landslides at various locations Cleared Departmentally
2. Runguzu Nasa- Thevopisu road Landslides at various locations Restoration work in progress departmentally
3. Khuza-Metsale road Major Landslides at three locations Manpower clearance/ restoration works in progress
4. Meluri Town road Landslides in 2 locations Clearance works in progress
5. Chazuba-Kijumetoma-Kohima road About 300 M of roadway completely washed off Not yet restored
6. Khuza -Metsale-Chazuba road Landslide at various locations Manual Restoration work in progress
7. Phek-Lanye road Landslides Clearance works in progress
2 Pfutsero Division NH- 150 to Chokriba road via Thipuzu Landslide at 4.50 Km Cleared Departmentally
Pfutsero-Tebupfu road Landslides at various locations Partially cleared
Pfutsero-Chetaba road Landslide at 31st Km Cleared Departmentally
3 Atoizu 1.Coco- Asukhuto road Landslides at various locations Due to the continuous mud slide, Clearance work is not complete.
4 Zunheboto Mokokchung road below Assam Rifles Landslide Restored Departmentally
Main Police point to Alahuto Lansdlide and collapse of R/Wall Landslide cleared  and R/Wall restoration work in progress
Sukhalu Village to Yemeshi Lanslides at various locations Restoration work in progress departmentally
Shotomi village to Nu-Nu village Landslides at various locations Not yet restored
Chipokita road connecting Phek District Landslides at various locations. Road completely blocked Not yet restored
Satakha-Ghokhuvi-Satoi road Heavy Landslides at 2 locations Not yet restored
Zekheyi-Sukhai Village road Landslides at various locations Not yet restored
Khukheyi-Lukhai road connecting Mukalimi Landslides at various locations Not yet restored
5 Aghunato Aghunato-Suruhuto Road via Satami (NEC Road) Landslides at 5.00, 6.50, 7.00 and 10.00 Km locations Partial restoration done
Lizuto-Ngozubo road Landslides and subsidence at various locations Partly restored
6 Pughoboto Pughoboto-Satakha road Landslide at Mukhalimi Restoration work in progress
7 Changtongya Chuchuyimlang-Kilingmen road Landslide at 1.00 and 5.00 Km Restoration work in progress departmentally
8 Tuli Molungyimsen road Landslide at 5.00 Km Restoration work in progress departmentally
9 Mangkolemba Yajang Road Landslide at 10.00 Km Restoration work in progress departmentally
10 South Division, Kohima Old Minister Hill road Landslide Restored Departmentally
Kohima Science College road Lanslides at two locations Restoration work in progress departmentally
Kohima-Laike road Landslides at various locations
Mezoma-Sechuma road Landslide near Mezoma village Restoration work in progress departmentally
Sechuma-Kiruphema road Lanslide in 1 location (700 M from Sechuma village) Restored
Kigwema-Mima-Chakhabama road Landslides and subsidence  at various locations Restored
NEC road : Viswema-Kidima Zuketsa Landslides at various locations Restoration work in progress departmentally
ISC road: Kezo Town to Kidima Landslides at various locations Restored
Kitsubozou to BSF Camp road Subsidence at Keyake near BSF junction
11 Construction Division, Chiephobozou Botsa (NH2) to Touphema village Landslides at 2.0,3.0,4.50 Kms. Movement of heavy vehicles restricted. Restoration works yet to start
Subsidence at 3.5 Km
Approach road to NU from High junction, Merema Landslide at 0.40 Km  and subsidence at 0.4 and 0.7 Km Clearance works in progress. Road opened temporarily for light vehicles
Alternate road to NU from Army Camp (NH 2) Tsiesema Landslide at 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 Kms Clearance works in progress
Peducha- Tsiese Basa road Landslides at  1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 11.0, 13.0 and 17.0 Kms   and subsidence at1.0, 5.0,11.0,12.0,13.0 and 17.0 Kms Landslide Clearance works in progress
Zadima- Niuland road Landslide at 26.0, 30.0 and 34.0  Kms Clearance works in progress
Slab Culvert washed away at 30.0 Km Not yet restored. Road communication cut off
Damage of Face and Return wall of Culvert at 25.0 and 32.0 Km Not yet restored
Rusoma to Kijumetuoma Landslide at 16.0 and 17.0 Km Yet to clear
Viphoma village approach road Landslide at 5.0 and 6.0 Km Road communication cut off. Yet to clear
12 Tseminyu Sendenyu to Rumeysenyu road Landslide at various locations Restoration work in progress departmentally
13 Mokokchung NH-2 (Sewak Gate) to DC Office road junction, Luke Sasong road Landslides at various locations Restoration work in progress
Chuchuyimlang-Salulemang road Landslides at various locations Restoration work in progress
Longkhum-Mangmetong-Sapangya road Landslides at various locations Restoration work in progress
14 Wokha Wokha-Merapani road Lanslides and subsidence at various locations Restoration work being carried out by NHIDCL
Wokha-Niroyo-N Longidang road Landslides at various locations
Wozhuro Range road Landslides at various locations
Wokha-Bokajan road Landslides at various locations Clearance works carried out by Departmental Excavator
15 Baghty Sanis- Moilan road Landslides at various locations Cleared Departmentally
16 Peren No major damages All the roads are through
17 Dimapur No major damages All the roads are through
18 Mon Tizit Town road H/P Culvert damaged at ADC Colony
L Sheangha to Phomching HQ Lanslides at 5.20 Km Restoration work in progress
Tang junction S/Mokok road Landslides at 3.40, 7.20 and 8.50 Km Restoration work in progress
19 Aboi Aboi to Angphang via Ngangchi and Chaoha Landslides at various locations
Changlang to Angphang Landslides at various locations
Angphang to Yei village Landslides at various locations
Aboi to Chen via Tehok Landslides at various locations Clearance works carried out by Departmental Excavator
20 Naginimora Reports awaited
21 Tuensang Khudei-Noksen road Landslides at 51.00 Km location Restoration works by Departmental Task Force  in progress
Litem-Phomji road Landslide at 1.5 Km location
Station road at Noksen Lanslides at 4 locations
Tuensang-Longleng Road Landslides at 2.50 Km, 13.00 Km, and  20.00 km locations
Sangsangyu-Nyinyem road Lanslides at 3.00 and 6.00 Km locations
Helipong-Chessore road Landslide at 24.00 Km location
22 Kiphire Kiphire-Seyochung road via Amahatore Landslides in 3 locations (3rd, 17th and 21st Km) Restoration work shall start after repair of Excavator
23 Longleng Longleng-Ladaigarh Road Landslides at various locations Cleared Departmentally
Yongshei-Tangha road to Tamlu
Longleng-Aboi road
Longleng-Tuensang Road
24 Noklak Noklak-Pangsha Road Landslides at various locations Restoration work in progress
Yakur- Panso road Landslides at various locations Temporary restoration works completed


As per the monsoon damage report furnished by Chief Engineer, PWD (R&B) as on 1st August, 2018, landslides and collapse of retaining walls occurred in almost all the districts in the State due to heavy and incessant rains for the last few days. It is reported that restoration work is in progress thereby most of the roads were now restored. However, some are not yet restored but the restoration work is in progress. Under Phek district, about 300m of roadway has been completely washed off at Chazuba-Kijumetouma-Kohima road which is not yet restored but landslides at various locations have now been restored.


Under Zunheboto district, landslides and collapse of retaining walls occurred at various locations where restoration work by the department is in progress. Under Mokokchung District, landslides occurred at Chuchuyimlang-Kilingmen road, Molungyimsen and Yajang road but the restoration work is in progress by the concerned department.


Under Kohima district, landslide & subsidence at various location at Kigwema-Mima-Chakhabama road, NEC road: Viswema-Kidima-Zuketsa & several other places.


From Botsa (NH2) to Tuophema, landslides at 2.0, 3.0 and 4.50 km and subsidence at 3.5 Km occurred thereby movement of heavy vehicles restricted. The road communication has been cut off between Zhadima-Nuiland road.


In Wokha district, landslides occurred at various places and restoration work is being carried by NHIDCL and concerned department.


It is reported that all the roads in Peren and Dimapur districts are through as there were no major damages.


It is also reported that landslides occurred at Tizit town road thereby damaged H/P culvert at ADC colony. Aboi also reported to be affected by landslides at various locations


Landslides occurred at various places in Tuensang district such as Khudei-Noksen road, Litem-Phomgi road, Tuensang-Longleng road and several other places. The departmental task force is at work in full force for restoration.


Landslides also occurred at Kiphire, Longleng and Noklak sub-division at various locations where restoration work is in progress.


(Nongozo APRO)




The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has in a report on the State Roads, stated that:


  1. Dimapur – Kohima – Mao:


(a)    Km 174.90 Kachhra Nala – Sinking is continuous and the road is closed. Alternate road of Jotsoma bypass is available for all traffic.


(b)   Kohima – Mao – The road from Kohima to Mao is reported as okay.


  1. Kohima – Jessami:


(a)    Km 37 – Formation is damaged and slides are continuing. Works will commence once the slides stop, will take 10-15 days depending on ground conditions. Equipments are available.


(b)   Mesulomi Bridge – Reported okay for all vehicles.


  1. Tuensang –  Mon:


(a)    Km 23 – Culvert and formation is washed off. Works commenced from Tuensang side and will take 10-15 days for restoration due to heavy flow in the river.


(b)   There are numerous slides between Hakchang and Tobu and fresh slide between Km 66 – Km 67, which will be cleared within 1-2 days. There was a cloudburst between Km 66 – Km 67 and fresh slides are still occurring.


(c)    Road from Mon to Hakchang will be opened in a day or two. Similarly, road from Tuensang to Km 23 will also be opened in a few days time.


                                                                                    (Mhonlumi Patton, APRO)

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