Pan-Naga Hoho under Indo-Naga Framework Agreement

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The disclosure about the Pan-Naga Hoho first appeared in The Morung Express on Sept 16, 2017 which was highlighted by KK Sema (Retd. IAS) (


The Naga Republic is reproducing the same below


Every Living Naga soul without exception has been craving for lasting peace in our land. It has also been the ultimate will of every Naga with a modicum of gray matter that the content of the Framework Agreement (FA) between the GoI and NSCN (IM) on 3rd August 2015 is made known to the people before the final settlement is inked and not after their fate is irrevocably sealed. What would sovereignty be worth if our individual rights are going to so contemptuously be trampled to the dust as is the case even right now?  The reason for nondisclosure is only known to the unquestioned supremo of NSCN (IM) …the ‘Anointed one’…along with a few, very few hardcore sycophants belonging to his own tribe mostly.


Well fellow Nagas, wherever you are, opportunity has fortunately surfaced at last for the Nagas, to critically analyse some of the salient contents of the FA that has been unearthed form very reliable sources…on two major sectors concerning: (1) MODEL OF SHARED SOVEREIGNTY; and (2) PAN-NAGA HOHO. This author is confidently certain that the document being presented for public review is very reliably authentic. Today we shall deal with the contents of sector (2) concerning THE PAN-NAGA HOHO which more or less defines the final status of the present State of Nagaland after the settlement.


The personal analysis of the author is being withheld for the time being lest he is accused of trying to unfairly influence the minds of the masses. This will give every concerned citizen a fair chance to take their judgement call on how they feel about this document. Remember too that the top echelon of NSCN (IM) have insultingly ‘written off’ the Nagas of Nagaland as ‘incompetent’ to understand these contents of FA. For the first round the author presents this document without correcting any spelling or grammatical mistakes therein Verbatim (Quote):



THE PAN-NAGA HOHO is a statutory body with Executive authority, Budgetary and Negotiating powers. The formation of the Pan-Naga Hoho is a part of the Framework Agreement (FA) signed between the Govt of India and the NSCN (IM) on the 3rd August, 2015 at New Delhi, India. Being a statutory body, it will function beyond territorial limits of any state and will be able to operate in any state where Nagas are settled in the region. The Pan-Naga Hoho body will have a special and separate budget to cover all the Naga inhibited areas.


The Pan-Naga Hoho shall be a “Selective House or body” with equal representatives from every Naga tribes irrespective of territorial boundaries. Accordingly, it would be a unicameral system (one house) consisting of the NSCN/GPRN headed by the Yaruiwo/Chairman, Collective Leadership; Council of Kilonsers; the Governor-General (representing the government of India as nominal head); and its members as Tatar. The members of the Pan-Naga Hoho shall be selected or nominated amongst the NSCN senior leaders, Steering Committee members, Kilonsers, Dy. Kilonsers, present Tatars, members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh or Manipur), or a person having integrity, administrative experienced, like IAS/IPS Officers and its allied services, NCS, MCs or any eminent personnel or personalities in various field.


During the interim period, the existing practices of the Collective Leadership system headed by the Yaruiwo/Chairman of the NSCN/GPRN in governance structure shall be continued. The Collective Leadership shall remain wholly responsible to the governance of the Pan-Naga Hoho. Its authority in essential matters shall remain indisputable to form and function a ‘responsible government’. The Principle of collective responsibility which implies-‘all for one or one for all’ shall be guaranteed in the exercise of their powers. And hence, by virtue of being the Yaruiwo/ Chairman of the Collective Leadership, NSCN/GPRN; and owing to the very fact of the NSCN/GPRN’s vital role and decisive impact on the Indo-Naga Political Negotiations and signing of the Framework Agreement on the 3rd August, 2015 in New Delhi, India; and as well as the signing of the Final Agreement on the dated………between Govt. Of India and the NSCN, the Yaruiwo/Chairman of the Pan-Naga Hoho, thus, will be the Executive (Real) Head as well as the Supreme Commander in-chief of the Army, Navy and Air force of the State (Nagalim).


Thereby, the Collective Leadership headed by Chairman in exercise of the powers shall ‘Advise’, ‘Supervise’, ‘Monitor’ and ‘guide’ the whole organs of Government  and in its governance system of the Republic Government of Nagalim (Pan-Naga Hoho). The Chairman will be the symbol of sovereign; Naga unity; and sole Guardian of the Pan-Naga Hoho.


In the meantime, the Governor General shall be the Nominal Head of the State (Nagalim). He will represent the President of India and will bridge the relationship between the Govt. of India and the Republic Govt. of Nagalim. He will be aide and advise by the Council of Kilonsers headed by the Ato Kilonser in consultation with the Chairman in the exercise of his powers and functions. His expenses shall be bound by the Govt. of India. Subsequently, the Ahng (Governor) shall be the Nominal Head of the Regional Autonomous Territorial Councils (RATC). All powers which the Ahng (Governor) used to exercise shall be done on the advice of the Council of Kilonsers headed by Ato Kilonser in consultation of the Chairman. The expenses of the Ahngs (Governors) shall be made out of the Indian revenue or Govt. of India exchequer. He or She can be removed or replaced by the Governor-General with the consultation of Ato Kilonser and with the approval of the Chairman.


*NB: [The Angh (Governor) will be appointed by the Governor-General in consultation with the Chairman. Since, the Ahng (Governor) represent the Governor-General i.e, indirectly representing the President of India which falls under the purview of the Govt. of India.


  1. The Pan-Naga Hoho with absolute authority and without any limitations shall enjoy all the substantial powers and shall be competent to make any laws, rules, regulations and the subjects given in the ‘Competencies List’.


  1. There shall be Council of Interim Ministry headed by the Ato Kilonser, and the Ato Kilonser will be appointed by the Collective Leadership headed by Chairman and will hold office at the pleasure of the Chairman.


  1. The Council of Kilonsers shall comprised of Kilonsers and Deputy Kilonsers appointed by the Ato Kilonsers with the consultation of the Collective Leadership headed by Chairman. All the Kilonsers and Dy. Kilonsers shall be charged specific portfolio or portfolios and will hold office at the pleasure of the Chairman.


  1. The Council of Kilonsers headed bt Ato Kilonsers shall function in Co-ordination, consultation and with the guidance of the Collective Leadership headed by the Chairman of the Pan-Naga Hoho.


  1. Amongst the Pan-Naga Hoho members, different Committees or Sub-Committees shall be constituted for administrative conveniences, better governance or clean governance etc viz.,


*Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

*Standing Committee on Budget.

*Standing Committee on Audit.


With the following main functions that,


(i)  to ensure proper utilization of the public money;


(ii) to checks operational deficiency, corruption, extravagance etc;


(iii) to examine budget allocation as per administrative efficiency and improvement of the governance;


(iv) to have a proper audit and maintain transparency.


Apart from the above aforementioned Committees, other different committees substantive affairs shall be constituted like-


*Ad-hoc Committee

*Consultative Committee

*Constitution Drafting Committee

*Advisory board or Committee

*Inquiry Committee

*Economic Committee

*Minority Committee

*RATCs Committee


  1. During the Interim-period, the Chairman will have the authority to remove or replaced any member of the Pan-Naga Hoho, member of the Council of Kilonser including Ato Kilonser if found to be ineffective or corrupt, or violating the Yezhabo, or misappropriation of fund, abuse of power, incompetence etc with the consultation of the Governor-General. If there arises any differences in their view points, the view or decision of the Chairman shall prevail.


  1. As regard with the RATCs and its administrative affairs, the regional councils would be authorised to make laws. But, such laws would become a proper Act after the Chairman assented to it.


  1. The Council of Kilonsers headed by the Ato Kilonser shall be competent to deal with all the competencies list except with those (Reserved subjects) matters relating with the joint external affairs, joint defence, currency which were subjected to address collectively with the Govt. of India.


  1. There shall be a separate judiciary system, wherein, the Nagas can develop their traditional customary justice or practices system tantamount to modern relevance.


  1. There shall be separate Naga National ‘Flag’ to reflect the distinct political identify of the Nagas.


  1. The Pan-Naga Hoho shall enjoy a special and separate financial autonomy including borrowing from foreign and international sources and taxation authority.


  1. The land of Nagas and resources above and below the ground shall be entirely belongs to the Naga and would be fall within the purview of the Pan-Naga Hoho.


  1. Amongst the Pan-Naga Hoho members, representative to the Indian Parliament shall be sent as MP (Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha) until such time that the Naga attained full-fledged Nation or Sovereignty.


  1. To represent the Nagas at the International Level i.e., the United Nation Organisation (UNO), a permanent representative to the UNO shall be appointed amongst the Naga by the Chairman with the consultation of the Governor-General (or External Affairs Ministry, Govt of India) (Unquote).


Apart from the “MODEL OF SHARED SOVEREIGNTY” the FA documents also include “FUNCTION & POWER OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PAN-NAGA HOHO”; “THE GOVERNOR -GENERAL”; “FUNCTION & POWERS OF ATO KILONSER”; and “THE AHNG (Governor) of RATC”; which will be share subsequently as the present document on Pan-Naga Hoho has become much too lengthy. Happy reading with a critical mind…our future will depend on it.


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