Naga Club Memo to Simon Commission 1929

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The Indian Statutory Commission,
Camp India,

Memorandum of the Naga Hills     January 10, 1929


        Original letter dated 26.3.28/March 26, 1928



We, the undersigned Nagas of the Naga Club at Kohima who are the only person at present who can voice for our people have heard with great regret that our Hills included within the Reformed Scheme of India without our knowledge, but as the administration of our Hills continued to be in the hands of the British Officers we did not consider it necessary to raise any protest in the past. Now learn that you come to India as representatives to the British Government to enquire into the working of the system of Government and the growth of the education and we beg to submit below our view with the prayer that our Hills may be withdrawn from the Reformed Scheme and placed outside the Reforms but directly under British Government. We never asked any reforms and we do not wish for any reforms.

Before the British Govt. conquered our country in 1879-1880, we were living in a state of intermittent warefare with the Assamese of the Assam valley to the North and West of our country and Manipuries in the South. They never conquered us, nor were we ever subjected to their rule. On the under other hand, we were always a terror to these people. Our country within the administered area consists of more than Eight tribes, quite different from one another with quite different languages which cannot be understood by each other, and there are more tribes outside the administered area which are not known at present. We have no unity among us and it is realy the British Government that is holding us together now.

Our education at present is poor, the occupation of our country by the British Government being so recent as 1880, we have had no chances or opportunity to improve in education and though we can boast of two or three graduates of an Indian University in our country, we have not got on yet who is able to represent all our different tribes or master our language much less one to represent us in any council of province, Moreover, our population numbering 1,02,000 is very small in comparison with the population of the plains districts in the province, and any representation that may be allotted to be in the council will be negligible and will have no weight whatever. Our language is quite different from those of the plains and we have no social affinities with Hindus or Muslims. We are looked down upon by one of our ‘Beef’ and the other for our ‘Pork’ and both for our want in education which is not due to any fault of ours.

Our Country is poor and it does not pay for its administration. The reforms, if it is continued to be made placed under the Reformed Scheme we are afraid that new heavy taxes will have to be imposed on us and when we cannot pay them all our land will have to be sold and in the long run we shall have no share in the land of our birth and life will not be worth living them. Though our land at present is within the British territory, Government have always recognized our private rights in it. But if we are forced to enter the council of the majority all these rights may be extinguished by unsympathetic council the majority of whose number is sure to belong to the Plain District. We also have much fear the introduction of foreign laws and customs to supersed our customary laws which are now enjoy.

For the above reasons, We pray that the British Government will continue to safeguard our rights against all encroachments from other people who are more advance than us by withdrawing our country from the reformed scheme and placing it directly under its own protection. If the British Government however, wants to throw us away, we pray that we should not be thrust to the mercy of the people who could never subjugate us, but to leave us alone to determine for ourselves as in the ancient times. We claim (not only the numbers of the Naga Club) to represent all these tribes to which we belong: Angami, Kacha-Nagas, Kukis, Semas, Lotha and Rengmas.


Signed by :

  1. Nihu, Head Interpreter, Angami
  2. Nisale, Peshkar, Angami
  3. Nisher, Master, Angami
  4. Khose, Doctor, Angami
  5. Cepo, Interpreter, Kacha Naga
  6. Vipunyu, Potdar, Angami
  7. Gyiepra, Treasurer, Angami
  8. Rushkhrie, Master, Sub-Overseer, Angami
  9. Dikhrie, Master, Angami
  10. Zhapuzulie, Master, Angami
  11. Zepulie, Interpreter, Angami

12 Katsumo, Interpreter, Angami

  1. Nuolhoukielie, Clerk, Angami
  2. Luzevi, Interpreter, Sema
  3. Apamo, Interpreter, Lotha
  4. Resilo, Interpreter, Rengma
  5. Lengjang, Interpreter, Kuki
  6. Nikhriehu, Interpreter, Angami
  7. Miakrai, Chaprasi, Angami
  8. Levi, Clerk, Kacha Naga



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