The Nagas—Old world stories…

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The Nagas—Hill Peoples of Northeast India


“….In the years before Indian Independence in 1947, the Nagas of Northeast India came to exemplify an exotic society. Peoples of the hills, radically different in culture and beliefs from the better-known Hindus peoples of the plains, they were renowned for their fierce resistance to British rule and for their former practice of head-taking.

Although sharing many social and cultural traits, such as feast-giving as a means of acquiring status, the thousands of small Naga villages, perched on isolated hill spurs, seemed often to be very different from each other. They adopted different political systems, ranging from the egalitarian to the autocratic, and spoke more than a dozen mutually unintelligible languages.

Appearing to be both one people and many tribes, the Nagas displayed both unity and diversity in their dress and ornament.…”

Julian Jacobs, The Nagas, Published by Thames and Hudson

Note: The Naga Republic has taken written permission from the publisher to use contents and pictures from the title ‘The Nagas’. 


(top) Young Zemi man. Hangrum village. 1941-42. UGB. (middle) Man blowing horn. Konyak, Hungphoi villag. 1936. CFH. (bottom) Young woman wearing a Manipur cloth. Tangkhul, Chingjaroi Khulen village. 1937-46. UGB. (Pictures courtesy ‘The Nagas’ by Julian Jacobs/Thames and Hudson)

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