NEDF adopts ‘The Brahmaputra Declaration’

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Guwahati, July 2 (MExN): The North East Dialogue Forum (NEDF) on Saturday adopted the ‘The Brahmaputra Declaration’ with demand to the “Government of India and international community” on issues pertaining to people of North East India (NEI).

Team NEDF in a press release stated that delegates from across the North-Eastern states of India held ‘debate on conflict with the purpose to analyze the conflict between Meitei and Kuki, Kuki and Naga, Bodo and Adivasi, Assamese and Muslim and others.’

The forum has demanded to fully recognise the rights given under the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (2007) and urge the attention of the UN Special Rapporteur on promotion and protection of rights of Indigenous People to witness the human right violation being faced by the indigenous people in NEI.

It appealed the GoI to ratify the Convention of Refugees 1951 of the UN to facilitate the refugees from Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc. in NEI which can deal with refugees status where their basic human right like Right to Food, Right to Education can be ensured under the international laws.

To ensure the guideline and procedure of Free Prior Inform Consent, the impact assessment on environment, socio-economic, health, human right, cumulative prior to the of the development projects related to mining of minerals, construction of highway, railways, bridges, national parks, etc. in order to protect the environment and maintain sustainable livelihood of the Indigenous Peoples and ensure Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2030 of the UN which India has promised to fulfill to its citizen.

The forum also demanded the GoI to prevent and stop the ongoing violence between the Meitei and Kuki in Manipur and “the Armed Groups under the Suspension of Operation to stop killing of people and revisit the obligation to protect civilians, not to use land mine, no child soldier as they signed three Deed of Agreement with the Geneva Call.” It also appealed to recognize the historical and territorial integrity of Manipur.

NEDF has also urged GoI, Manipur and international community to communicate with the Special Rapporteur on situation of Human Rights in Myanmar to examine the operational procedure of Chin Defense Force and “use of sophisticated arms to defend democracy in Myanmar and in turn the arms are being used to the people in Manipur who are protecting and promoting democracy and integrity of Manipur.” Further, it appealed the GoI to invite the Special Rapporteur on Counter Terrorism, the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and the Members of UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination to visit Manipur and NEI at the earliest.

Others included demand to remove Assam Rifles from Manipur and repeal the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958; direct the SoO groups in Manipur to stop firing and freely allow the farmers to cultivate the paddy at this peak of cultivation; direct the Central Security Forces deployed in Manipur to stop inhumane act and grave human right violations carried out by the Rapid Action Forces and the Assam Rifles to civilians specially the women protester. It also appealed to remove the Central Security Forces stationed in the educational institutions and allow the students to attend the schools and colleges at the earliest. 

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