Resolving Naga issue impeded by internal problems: Y Patton

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Morung Express News
Dimapur | January 12

The Deputy Chief Minister, Y Patton said that there are internal obstacles to resolving the Indo-Naga political issue. According to him, the internal challenges have been the splintering of the Naga political movement into many different groups with opposing views. As per his count, there are as many as 28 Naga political groups, at present, out of which only five have Ceasefire Agreements with the Government of India (GoI). 

“How can we survive under these circumstances?” he asked, while citing the numerous illegal taxes that the people have had to pay, speaking at the 75th founding anniversary of Duncan Bosti, Dimapur, on January 11. 

According to him, the GoI has extended the offer of integrating the Naga flag and Yezabo (constitution) into the Indian Constitution based on its “One nation, one flag, one nation, one constitution” stand. He held that the GoI has always maintained that the Nagas must unite to arrive at a solution. 

However, he said, “Some groups don’t want a solution because if there is one, they would have nowhere to go.” While some Naga Political Groups (NPGs) may have genuine cause, he said that there are groups, which are exploiting the Naga movement for monetary gain. 

As for the Nagaland state government, he said that the present Neiphiu Rio-led government’s stance as a facilitator remains. It was based on the concept of unity, that eight different political parties decided to form an “oppositionless” government, he added.  

Calling upon the various NPGs) to set aside differences and unite, he said, “It’s time the public also steps in and these groups to come together instead of taking sides.” He held that division within the Naga social fabric is only allowing the different NPGs to take advantage.  

MLA and Advisor, Imkong L Imchen held that some Nagas are holding on to a romanticised notion of Naga independence, which has served as a distraction to progress and development. He said that the situation has been further exacerbated by extortion in the name of freedom struggle. 

According to him, true independence lies in fostering harmony, addressing internal challenges and building a self-reliant society. 

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