On Inner Line Permit and Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland

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The Government of Nagaland through a notification on 21st August 2018 constituted the Abhishek Singh committee. It was given the task “to suggest measures to strengthen the existing system of issue of ILP in the State as well as to recommend modalities to check influx of illegal migrants”.


The committee thereafter submitted its report to the State Cabinet on February 15, 2019. The pros and cons of inclusion of Dimapur under the ILP have also been presented.


For those who may not know, the committee has neither recommended nor opposed for the inclusion of Dimapur under ILP.  It has only stated that “an appropriate decision needs to be taken by State Government as per Pros & Cons”.


Subsequently, the PDA government decided to bring the commercial hub of Dimapur under ILP.


Other than the measures to improve and strengthen the existing system of ILP, the Abhishek Singh committee has also recommended coming out with the Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN). A government notification to give effect to the RIIN was issued on 29th June, 2019.


One of the rationales for having the RIIN is the concern noted by the committee that over a period of time many people have fraudulently obtained Indigenous Inhabitants Certificates and are misusing for jobs etc.


But what is the guarantee that similar fraud will not take place under RIIN? Also has the government identified how such frauds take place and how to deter such illegal practice in future? There is also some confusion over definition, time-line and methodology to be adopted.


Instead of bringing in the RIIN at this juncture, which requires more study and public consultation, it would be better for the government to execute the other part of the Abhishek Singh committee, dealing specifically with a robust ILP system and also bringing in Dimapur under ILP as petitioned by public organizations of Nagaland.


Also it is somewhat odd that instead of identifying and dealing with illegal immigrants in Nagaland, the indigenous inhabitants have to prove their identity and credential. Every indigenous person is known by the village or clan that he or she comes from and as bonafide resident of the State, the onus should not be on them to prove their identity.


Bringing the RIIN at this juncture may also complicate the situation and further delay the implementation of the ILP as suggested by the Abhishek Singh committee.


The first step should be taken to strengthen the ILP system and if required the RIIN can be undertaken subsequently. For now the notification on RIIN should be kept in abeyance.


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