Restore Life


Restore Life is an initiative towards restoration of what we believe to be the fundamental things around us—health, environment, values, faith.


The broad vision of Restore Life is to promote well-being and a better world.


One of the areas of our intervention is to build-up good citizens and to restore the health of our socio-political system.


Through the platform of The Naga Republic, we will work towards improving the quality of our democracy, governance and our institutions.


In this age of high-end technology, speed and information, the potential and power of the media is tremendous.


Restore Life understands that with such power to impact also comes greater responsibility to do good.


Please support the work of The Naga Republic as it strives on its motto to a better world.


What we release through the power of our words has the authority to silence the works of darkness while radiating the light of God’s goodness


An inspiring word taken out of the Bible—Proverbs 18:21


Thank you for your time and consideration


Year 2017
