PDA Cabinet meeting on April 16 and decisions taken

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17th April, 2018


  1. The PDA Cabinet in its meeting held on 16thApril, 2018 had discussed the issue of removing VIP culture in the State and has taken the under-mentioned decisions in its continued efforts to remove VIP culture. The Cabinet also discussed and took decisions related to protection and preservation of wildlife, which is mentioned hereunder.


  1. In its continued efforts on anti VIP culture, it was decided by the Cabinet that Members of the PDA would abstain from attending functions as Chief Guest. It has also been decided that all would refrain from making donations and announcement of monetary grants while attending public programmes and functions. Members will attend public functions, inaugurations, launching programmes, etc and can deliver speeches and exhortations and give information on government programmes and policies of the State and Central government, however monetary announcements and donations at public programmes and functions will not be done.


  1. Government officials and employees of the State Government are not to attend functions as Chief Guest and will be disallowed from donating funds nor will they be allowed to announce monetary grants at public functions, which is against service rules. Government officials can give information related to government policies, programmes and initiatives and participate in public functions as invitees and as resource persons but not as Chief Guests. However, dignitaries and officials from outside Nagaland will be well received and hospitality extended as per protocols.


  1. PDA Members will not receive gifts and presentations in public functions and events and it is advised that flowers and bouquets – preferably fresh – may be received at the time and point of arrival at the programe venue while alighting from and no manner of presents should be received during the functions.


  1. On the matter of protection of wildlife, all members of PDA including government employees should make all-out effort to preserve and protect the environment, wildlife and fishes. No manner of presentations of wildlife and wild life produce should be received or prepared at functions for meals, feasts etc. All efforts must be made by the entire government machinery to preserve and protect the environment and wildlife in all its activities.



About the Open Source section of The Naga Republic

The idea of having a separate section called Open Source is to encourage transparency and openness in government. The Naga Republic believes that having an open government, which shares official information in the public domain, is one way of addressing systemic corruption present in our government system.

Through Open Source The Naga Republic will strive to work with all stakeholders, including governments, to put out in the open all such relevant information so that the changes that we all aspire for— such as probity in public life; transparency and accountability and the objective of good governance can be met.

This section we will like to also refer to as The Governance Project

The Naga Republic

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