‘We are going through second darkness in Naga history’: Rev Moses Murry

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Council of Nagalim Churches Golden Jubilee underway

Morung Express News 
Hebron | September 26

“We are going through a second darkness in Naga history,” Rev Moses Murry, General Superintendent Assembly of God, India stated. 

Speaking on the first day of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Council of Nagalim Churches (CNC) at Council Headquarters, Hebron on Wednesday he added: “Unless we repent, forgive and come together we may experience even more suffering.”

The two day jubilee celebration is being held in remembrance of its past founding leaders and pioneers who had first established the council during a tumultuous period. 

“It was out of necessity and as demanded by the situation, the question of forming the CNC became a matter of exigency. Therefore such issue of national importance was taken up in the extraordinary Naga National Assembly at Un-Seti on September 5, 1974 and unanimously agreed to form the CNC,” the jubilee souvenir magazine quoted late Isak Chishi Swu.

Jubilee is a time for reconciliation, forgiveness and to “speak the truth as one voice,” noted Rev Murry maintaining that when CNC was established in 1974, “Nagas were one voice.” 

While the CNC was set up envisaging the Nagas to spread the gospel far and wide, he questioned whether the vision has been fulfilled. 

Instead, he noted that today the Naga people are experiencing division politically and socially, adversely affecting the Naga cause. He also highlighted the failures in many fronts be it political, social, economic or spiritual. 

“How much Naga people have suffered in the quest for self-determination,” he posed. “Talking about one nation, self-existence, how many people, the Indian army have killed, leaving behind many widows, orphans.”

Although bloodshed among the Nagas have stopped, yet many have died due to fratricidal killings, he underscored.  

Accordingly, he held that “God is not pleased with us.” 

Dwelling on the jubilee’s theme,  Rev Murry noted that “Restoration” is important not just for the CNC but for the Nagas as a whole. 

“It serves not just as a reminder of what has been lost, but also highlights the ‘restoration of our hope, renewal of our minds, and the revival and healing that are needed at this time,’ he added.

He also stressed for restoring back the “relationships with each other and with God as well.”

In his greetings, NSCN (IM) Chairman, Q Tuccu shared that the 50 years of unwavering faith, steadfast love and selfless love to the community, is a testimony to the CNC. 

He appreciated the council on being a cornerstone of nation building, providing comfort, security and hope to the people it serves. 

A speech on behalf of General Secretary, Th Muivah was read out by VS Atem, Deputy Ato Kilonser, and Member, Collective Leadership, NSCN-IM.

Along with it, the Shofar marking the beginnings of the ceremony was sounded by Rev Dr Avi Sophie, President of Golden Gate Christian Revival, New Delhi. 

The inaugural also featured a candle light procession was observed by 50 Collective Leadership members of the NSCN-IM as well as release of the Golden Jubilee souvenir and memento released by Eustar Chishi Swu, former president of the CNC and Member, Collective Leadership, NSCN-IM.

Earlier, a monolith was unveiled at the venue to mark the occasion.  

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