UNPO backs resolution of Naga issue

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DIMAPUR, AUG 5 (NPN) : The XV General Assembly (GA) of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) held in Washington DC from July 31 to August 2, 2020 has resolved to “Support a peaceful resolution of the Indo-Naga issue which is just, long lasting, honorable and acceptable to both the sides” and called on “the international community to appeal to India to fulfil its commitments in the Framework Agreement on the Indo-Naga issue, and urges India to repeal acts such as the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act and the Disturbed Area Act which overly militarize the situation facing the Naga people”.


Informing this through a press communiqué, NSCN(I-M)through its MIP said the resolution on the “Indo-Naga” political issue was moved by NSCN(I-M)leaders representing the Nagas at the UNPO GA held for the first time through virtual conference due to COVID-19 pandemic. MIP said the Naga delegates included- “lt. gen. (Retd.)” VS Atem (member of collective leadership, NSCN) along with V Horam (executive member of steering committee), Kihoyi Swu (kilonser), Ninghor Raikham (kilonser) and Asing Shimrah (additional secretary). It said they spoke on three different sessions and the GA culminated in adoption of the resolution after passing of votes in the plenary session on the last day.


Further, MIP said the GA also adopted resolution on the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goal 16, which it maintained, was no less important for Nagalim. MIP said the resolution on sustainable development highlights positive instances within the past six years where self-determination issues have been freely put to vote. MIP said Nagalim represented by NSCN was admitted to UNPO on January 23, 1993 and since then NSCN has been persistently involved in UNPO activities.


Meanwhile, NSCN (I-M) has appreciated the UNPO for its consistent support extended to the Naga people.


Affirming to continue to extend “unflinching support” to the leadership of UNPO, the NSCN (I-M) said that the Naga people would strive to adhere to the principle of UNPO to resolve its political issues through peaceful and non-violent means.


NSCN (I-M) has also congratulated the newly inducted members into Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization fold including Catalonia, Guam, Yoruba, the Movement for the river races of Zambesia and Biafra.

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