Union Minister Joshi announces special ‘exploration’ incentives for NE

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Morung Express News
Chümoukedima | November 1

The Union Minister for Minister of Mines, Coal and Parliamentary Affairs, Pralhad Joshi today stated that the Central Government is giving top priority to mineral exploration and development of North-East and announced a special advance of Rs 5 crore each for ‘exploration’ in each State.

He was responding to a resolution passed by the NE Mines and Coal Ministers’ committee put forward to him during the first session of 1st North-East Geology and Mining Minister Conclave, here at Niathu Resort, Chümoukedima on October 31. 

“Just give proposal for exploration, for each State, only for exploration, in advance, I will give Rs 5 crore in advance,” Joshi stated, while responding to a resolution urging the Ministry of Mines to continue ‘Special Assistance’ in terms of capacity building/training in mining sectors and related issues in the NE.

“But I want results,” he stressed, while indicating that more assistance can be given if works and proposals are submitted positively. 

With regard to proposals requesting for the inclusion of ‘Geological and Mining Development’ under the funding guidelines of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and Northeastern Council, Joshi said he would take up the matter with the concerned ministry. 

Regarding a proposal for common facility centres for NE, including a National Standard Laboratory for the Region, preferably in Dimapur, he called for submission of a proposal which can be examined within 45 days. 

Eight resolutions were presented at the conclave, out of which five were passed and three are subjected to further approval, informed a DIPR release.

Meanwhile, Joshi said that the North East region has been accorded top priority for development under the Prime Minister’s agenda of transforming India. 

The NER is the focus point of India’s ‘Act East Policy’ and the Geological Survey of India (GSI) has taken up 108 projects in NER on different mineral commodities during the last five years and 23 mineral exploration projects on various commodities during 2022-23, he informed.

The Government is also funding projects through National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET), Joshi added. 

Two mineral exploration projects of limestone and iron ore of Nagaland funded by NMET have been already completed and NMET is also providing financial assistance for procurement of machinery/ laboratory equipment/ instruments etc. to State DGMs up to 10% of the total approved exploration projects in year, he added. 

“A Joint Working Group has been constituted by Ministry of Mines for different states to resolve several issues related to the process of auctioning,” the Minister added. 

Assuring NE region of complete support, the Minister further stated that the Ministry through GSI and Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) can organise training programme for state Geologists and other functionaries for capacity building. 

However, Joshi also stated his concerns regarding auctioning process in the NE region and urged the state governments to resolve the issues pertaining to auction in different states of North East region. 

He also noted that the concerned State should engage with people at political and bureaucratic level to positively explore mineral exploration, and solve recurring issues such as land ownership or permits. 

Take local citizens into confidence via such engagements, he advised the NE States. 

Later responding to queries from the media on trade-off between development and environment, Joshi said that the government is also keenly examining the environmental implications of coal and oil exploration and ensuring that the rich mineral resources are properly exploited for the benefit of the region.

He further elaborated that the NE States can also used the Rs 5 crore advance announced by Ministry for upgrading machineries and other related equipment.   

Nagaland’s Minister for Soil & Water Conservation, Geology & Mining and NSMDC also revealed during the media interaction that it is the first time the State is getting ‘fund’ from the Union Ministry for exploration of minerals.  

Also addressing the Conclave, Sanjay Lohiya, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Mines made his remarks stating that the Ministry is focused on increasing the pace of exploration of minerals in the country as well as on auction of mineral blocks.

 GSI is focusing on completing National Baseline Geoscience Data Generation programme in the country and has increased focus on exploration of critical minerals in the NE region, he added.

Other highlights of the Conclave included, welcome address by Chairman & Convenor, Minister Commerce & Industries (Geology & Mining), Health & Family Welfare, Higher& Technical Education, Government of Mizoram, Dr R Lalthangliana and report on discussion presented by Principal Secretary, Commerce & Industries Department, Government of Mizoram, Easter Lalruatkimi, and an open discussion with all the NE States. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Minister Power Cooperation Mines & Minerals, Indigenous & Tribal Faith & Culture, Government of Assam, Nandita Gorlosa, followed by cultural presentation.

Source: https://morungexpress.com/union-minister-joshi-announces-special-exploration-incentives-for-ne

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