Tuensang Town Baptist Lashong marks Platinum Jubilee

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TUENSANG, NOVEMBER 20 (MExN): Tuensang Town Baptist Lashong (TTBL) rejoiced in its rich history and cultural legacy during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations on November 16 and 17, transforming Tuensang Town into a vibrant center of festivity and reflection under the theme “Slavery to Sonship.” The landmark event featured a lineup of speakers, diverse programs, and expressions of gratitude and commitment.

On November 16, the Jubilee commenced with an inaugural ceremony presided over by N Imlong, Secretary of Church and Mission, Chang Baptist Lashong Thangyen (CBLT). The service, guided by Mosha Lashem, Associate Pastor, Youth, TTBL, and Sentisangla, Children Education Board, TTBL, set the tone for the festivities. Rev W Kaimang, Pastor of Sangsangyu Baptist Lashong, delivered a Bible reading and prayer. A dance by B Amen and Tonchingsangla added a cultural touch to the opening day.

Thungti, Convenor of the Planning Committee, extended a warm welcome. The dedication of the Jubilee Souvenir and certificates, was led by K Achung, Associate Pastor Women, TTBL. A song was presented by Ao Baptist Arogo Tuensang Town. A speech was delivered by MK Yangbou, Village Council Chairman, Chongpho Khel, Tuensang village. Rev Imti, Executive Secretary of United Sangtam Baptist Lithro Association (USBLA), delivered a message on “Freedom in Christ.” The day concluded with a benediction by Kejong, Pastor of Yangpi Baptist Lashong.

The next day, began with the Monolith dedication prayer, led by Rev Achu Chang, Executive Secretary, CBLT. O Akum, Vice Principal of Government Higher Secondary School, Shamator, chaired the program, with Bendangla, Associate Pastor Youth, Saksi Baptist Lashong, by his side. Rev Chongshen, Pastor of Khudei Baptist Lashong, pronounced the Bible reading and prayer. Rev H Sangkap, Pastor of TTBL, led a prayer to remember the departed, honoring the church’s rich legacy.

P Bashangmongba Chang, Minister of PWD (Housing & Mechanical, Government of Nagaland), and ThungchanbemoTungoe, NCS, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Tuensang District, delivered speeches, acknowledging the significant role of TTBL in the community. The TTBL Choir elevated the spiritual atmosphere with their rendition of “Worthy to be Praised.” A poignant moment came as a missionary, Sangba Chang, was commissioned to Assam amidst fervent prayers from the congregation, symbolizing the Church’s commitment to extending its impact beyond borders.

A choreography performance during the event.

The evening service, the culmination of the Platinum Jubilee, was led by N Imlong, Education Coordinator, Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC), and Chang, Associate Pastor Women, Nakshou Baptist Lashong. Sanglihangla, Associate Pastor Women, Chang Baptist Church Sangtamtila, pronounced the Bible reading and prayer, setting the stage for a memorable evening. Nungsanglemba Chang, President of Chang Khulei Setshang (CKS), delivered a speech, acknowledging the Church’s contribution to the cultural heritage of the region. A song by Sangtam Baptist Church, Tuensang Town, added a melodious touch to the proceedings.
Changsang, Deacon of TTBL, expressed gratitude in a thanksgiving speech, recognizing the collective efforts that made the Jubilee celebration a resounding success. The TTBL Choir resonated with “The Lord Bless You and Keep You.” Rev Dr K Chingmak, former Pastor of TTBL, delivered a sermon on “May the Lord Keep You,” emphasizing the enduring strength of faith. The event concluded with a closing prayer by S Throngjichem, Pastor of Taknyu Baptist Lashong, and a Closing Act performed by TTBL BYE Youth.

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