Solidarity Beyond Borders: NSF 30th General Conference from Aug 24-26

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Our Correspondent
Kohima | August 22

The 30th General Conference of the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) will take place from August 24 to 26 at Ukhrul in Manipur under the theme ‘Solidarity Beyond Borders’.

The conference will be hosted by Tangkhul Katamno Saklong.

NSF General Secretary Siipuni Ng. Philo informed that the number of delegates shall be a minimum of 25 members for the Federating units and 15 for the sub-ordinate bodies.

Benjong Longchar, NSF Secretary Social & Culture has been nominated to represent the NSF office as the ‘Nodal Officer’ to guide the delegates throughout the celebration.

For any query pertaining to the celebration or should the need arise, can be contacted on +91 7005 65 0984.

During the conference, MLA Achumbemo Kikon, a NSF former president will be the special guest at the introductory session while Dr Kekhrielhoulie Yhome, Advisor, School Educational & SCERT Nagaland will be the honoured guest at the inaugural session. Dr Lorho S Pfoze, MP, Manipur will be the special guest at the valedictory programme. Prof GT Thong, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, Meriema will be the main speaker of the conference.

 Solidarity Beyond Borders
From the very inception of the Naga Students’ Federation as an organization in 1947 then and up till now, it has had its share of “ups and down” under varying situations and circumstances.

The initial years of its existence were full of interruptions which witnessed the most turbulent political upheavals of those times across the entire Naga nation, where community elders, religious leaders, women, youth and students face the brunt of gross human rights violations, perpetrated through extreme Indian military atrocities, where it was almost impossible for NSF to even function. But the sheer determination and the need to respond to the call of duty in the service of the nation at that time was more important than to shy away even from the face of death, which has brought NSF thus far.

The same is true even in today’s situation where the entire Naga society is now caught in internal contradictions where the tentacle of divisions has penetrated into every section of the society.

But there is something that will never change where NSF as an apex Naga Students’ Organization will forever stand for the fact that “Nagas are One People and One Nation”. For which, it has never recognized the arbitrary bifurcation of the Naga homeland under two International foreign countries on one hand and further division of its people, land and territories under four Indian militarily occupied states, and under some Self-Administrative Zone in Burma’s (Myanmar) Military Junta, without the knowledge or consent of the Naga people.

NSF elders before us have done their bits. Yet, the treat of divisions and the imposition of colonial mind-set on today’s Nagas are ever on the rise. Every day on the pages of Peace Talks and Ceasefires, we can see the clear writings on the walls, which calls on us to respond to the needs of the hour, to stand up for our rights to live in dignity for which our ancestors have sacrificed… And we choose to stand up for our rights.

The Naga Students’ Federation will in whatever way possible stand for the rights of the Naga people as envisioned by our creator and rightfully pursued by our ancestors and elders, and side by side stand with our Indigenous brothers and sisters in earnest Solidarity Beyond Borders. 

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