P Achumse Yingbithongru
Pangsha | June 10
As one travel down to Pounyiu Village and other surrounding Naga villages under Myanmar from International Trade Center (ITC) Dan passing through fields and forest the impact of anti-military movement can be felt and seen as the people are very cautious and careful with their choice of word as they speak fearing repercussion from the Junta.
The ongoing democracy movement has had a profound impact on the education system, leaving schools struggling to cope with the challenges brought about by the unrest affecting the lives of students and teachers alike.
In the midst of unrest, Naga army from Myanmar can be seen roaming the village in full tactical gear in red bandana scarf tied around their head making the outsider who visit the village to take note of the perilous condition villagers encounter to survive in this turbulent times.
Interacting with The Morung Express, Puthao, Hd GB, Pounyiu Village, said, ‘Primary school in Pounyiu first opened in 1988 and up-grated to High school in 2006 by Myanmar government, prior to that some of our children did their basic education from Pangsha and Noklak.
“Opening of school here enabled many children to pursue basic education, however the democracy movement has immensely hampered the education system as many teachers have joined the Civil Disobedient Movement resulting in shortage of teachers to take class,” he added.
Highlighting the acute problem students are facing because of the unrest he said ‘now students are caught in a perplexing situation as whether to pursue education in Myanmar or shift to Indiagiven the uncertainty that lies ahead’.
Asked about the quality of education and opportunity in Myanmar he said ‘if there is proper facility and enough teachers, it is always better to get education from one’s own area as chances of getting government job is high as Myanmar government tends to favourthose students who have completed their education from Myanmar’.
Making a comparison between students from Naga Myanmar area who have completed their education in Myanmar and those from Nagaland, he said, students who have done even up to 10 standards in Myanmar will get government job over those students who have done their education in nagaland even if they have completed their secondary or graduation from nagaland.
However, he accepted the fact that personality development of those students from Myanmar who studies in nagalandin terms of knowledge and education was far better in comparison with their counterpart.
He added many students have also gone to Dimapur and Kohima from naga Myanmar area to pursue theological studies as faith was also central to the growth of society as a whole.
On forced conscription order issued by Myanmar(Junta) Military regime directing both man and women above 18 years to join the military, a local resident on the condition of anonymity fearing retribution from the junta said ‘nagas of Myanmar has taken a collective decision not tosend youths from thenaga villages to join the army’.
Source: https://morungexpress.com/schools-in-naga-area-affected-amidst-anti-military-movement-in-myanmar
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