PM’s initial display of urgency waning: NSCN (IM)

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Morung Express News
Dimapur | August 15

The NSCN (IM) maintained that its commitment to finding a lasting solution to the Indo-Naga political problem resulted in the Framework Agreement (FA) of August 3, 2015. The NSCN (IM) commemorated the Naga Independence day at its Council Headquarters, Hebron, on August 14. 

“This was a milestone achievement of Indo-Naga political dialogue as the sovereign right of the Naga people was recognized after more than seven decades,” stated the Deputy Ato Kilonser, VS Atem, reading out the 78th Naga Independence Day speech on behalf of the NSCN (IM)’s longtime Ato Kilonser, Th Muivah. 

The nonagenarian Muivah took leave of the venue after completing the ceremonial hoisting of the flag, guard of honour and sitting through a few speeches from organisations representing the Naga social spectrum.   

Atem recalled the signing ceremony, broadcast widely, was accorded “the status of a high profile political solemnity” with the world at large bearing witness. “Given the political importance that will go down in Indo-Naga history, Prime Minister Narendra Modi undertook the trouble to supervise the details from the beginning to the end,” he said. 

In contrast, he claimed that the initial display of urgency and commitment by Modi waned, as the years ticked on.

Atem said that the FA was inked after much forethought for the security of the Naga people. According to him, it carries the sovereign identity of the Naga people as a nation and that it will be a “Himalayan Blunder if the Nagas placed themselves at the wrong side of the Framework Agreement.”

“The Framework Agreement mentions ‘peaceful co-existence of the two entities,’ which means India and Nagalim will have peaceful co-existence,” he said.

The co-existence, as imagined, would last for 10 years or even extend upto 50 years subject to how the mutual understanding is interpreted. He said that if the Government of India (GoI) departs from the essence of the agreement, it will be held responsible “for serious breach of agreement with respect to peaceful co-existence of the two entities as mentioned in the FA.” 

Stating that the FA was, and is, no ordinary deed, he said that the day it was signed, the entire world came to better understand the Naga issue.  

No basis in objecting to flag and constitution: VS Atem 

NSCN (IM) Deputy Ato Kilonser VS Atem. 

Later taking queries from journalists on the prospect of the content and “competencies” of the FA going public, Atem replied, “Whatever can be publicised, it has been publicised.” As for the competencies, he said that there have been differences on certain points.  

Accusing the GoI of impeding progress of the stalled negotiations, he said that there is no basis in objecting to a separate flag and constitution “when they (GoI) have recognized that the Nagas have the sovereign right.” He though said that communication channels between the negotiating sides are open. 

He dodged queries on the controversy surrounding Steering Committee Member, Lt Gen (retired) Hs Ramsan and the Deputy Army Chief, Lt Gen Absalom Raman, and their subsequent expulsion in July, last. Ramsan later claimed, in a statement, that he was offered Rs 100 cr by the GoI to break away from the NSCN (IM). Atem said that Ramsan was expelled because of insubordination. 

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