NIDA Issue: Immediately negotiate an acceptable solution, ASU tells State Govt

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Kohima, November 3 (MExN): The Angami Students’ Union (ASU) today called upon the State government to “immediately negotiate an acceptable solution on the genuine demands of the medical doctors” on superannuation issue. 

The Nagaland In-Service Doctors’ Association (NIDA) is currently on a state-wide indefinite stir since October 28 demanding enhancement of superannuation to 62 years for all doctors without any condition or criteria, among others. 

While the State Government may be minutely aware of the Union’s earlier representations and statements, the ASU is distressed by the inadequacy of the State Government in addressing the issue of medical doctors’ age superannuation, it noted. 

In a press release, the Union noted that  there may be “certain speculated impediments of which the State Government is apparently hesitating to heed to the demands of the state medical doctors and even instigating other forces to defend their unacceptable decisions.”

However, the State Government is expected to diligently address such issues by taking extraordinary decisions when it concerns about the fate of many lives such as the health sector, it added. 

Accordingly, the ASU said that it is extremely perturbed by the ongoing agitation of medical doctors due to the State Government’s failure to address their core demand of superannuation as ‘announced by the Prime Minister and implemented in almost every state of the country.’

Asserting its persistent stand to safeguard the wellbeing of its people who are left unattended due to the current stir, the Union questioned the State Government as to whether the latter would “shoulder the responsibility of any casualty arising out of the agitation.”

The ASU “cannot remain deaf and dumb when the ignorance of the State Government on any pertinent issue is left unattended and its people are made scapegoats of the issue,” it asserted. 

In the press release issued its Media Cell, Core Committee, the ASU, thus, call upon the State Government to immediately negotiate an acceptable solution.

“Any casualty incited out of the agitation shall carry no pardon as the Union is vigilant on the situation and would tolerate no jeopardy towards its people,” it said. 

 It further requested the State Government to take stock of the pervasive situation and urged for a serious approach to the demands of medical doctors.


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