Nagaland gets first HIV viral load laboratory

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Around 12,290 PLHIVs on treatment in the State

Our Correspondent
Kohima | June 27

Fulfilling the demand of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) community in the State, a HIV-1 Viral Load (VL) laboratory was launched at the Naga Hospital Authority Kohima (NHAK) on June 26 by Y Kikheto Sema, Commissioner and Secretary, Nagaland Health & Family Welfare (H&FW) Department.

Speaking on the occasion, Kikheto said that India is a signatory to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 3.3 and is committed to ending ‘AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030.’

The launching of the first HIV-1 VL lab at NIMSR Teaching Hospital (NHAK) marks a significant milestone for the State in ensuring better treatment and care for the PLHIVs community, he added. 

Commissioner and Secretary, Nagaland Health & Family Welfare (H&FW) Department, Y Kikheto Sema with others during the launching of HIV-1 Viral load laboratory in Kohima on June 26. Morung Photo

The lab will be opened on all working days.

Kikheto also informed that Nagaland has approximately 12,290 PLHIVs who are on treatment and many more are unreached and untested.

Nagaland is the second highest HIV positive and the highest Antenatal Care in India and we have huge challenges, he said.

“It is mandatory to undergo VL testing at least once a year for those who are on treatment. If the viral load does not come down it indicates that the person is not responding to the drug and therefore will need another line of treatment to help the doctor to give correct treatment to PLHIVs,” he said.

To address these challenges, it was the desire of the State to have own viral load testing machine instead of sending blood samples outside the state like Mumbai, RIMS Imphal, the Commissioner And Secretary added.
NACO developed policy of routine viral load testing
Dr Akuo Sorhie, Medical Education Director and Former Project Director of Nagaland State AIDS Control Society (NSACS) lauded the Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India and Director General NACO V Hekali Zhimomi for taking the initiative to ensure the availability of the VL lab for Nagaland. 

With the launching of “Test and Treat” policy in the country in 2021, NACO aims to significant increase the number of PLHIV to be on treatment in order to achieve the epidemic control, she said. 

Further informing that the NACO has developed the policy of routine viral load testing for monitoring of all the patients on treatment, she added: “The main reason behind recommending routine viral load testing as the preferred approach as compared to immunological and clinical monitoring is to provide an early and more accurate indication of treatment response by the PLHIVs and to change to second-line of treatment in case the VL test shows failure with first line of treatment.”

Dr Sorhie also expressed optimism that with the VL testing laboratory in place along with extensive awareness and quality counseling on the importance of adherence to treatment, Nagaland would lead in achieving the national goal of 95% of all PLHIVs receiving treatment to have viral load suppression by 2025.

NNP+ wants uninterrupted supply of cartridge
Meanwhile, President Network of Naga People Living with HIV/AIDS (NNP+) Lanu Aier called the day a “dream come true” for community of PLHIV.

“For nearly 2 decades, this is something the PLHIV community has been demanding,” he said, expressing gratitude to Sema, Dr Sorhie and all those who have advocated for PLHIV community and brought the machine to Nagaland.

However, Aier requested the concerned department to ensure uninterrupted supply of cartridge for VL lab so that PLHIV can access anytime.

Nagaland’s H&FW Principal Director Dr Vibeituonuo M Sachu said that the placement of VL machine will address a lot of the gaps that “we are currently facing in regard to providing timely treatment services.”

“We should all work towards eliminating the spread of HIV and reduce our prevalence in the country,” she said.

Further, she expressed hope that the machine will be a boon for PLHIV community and that “we will be able to take proper care of the equipment and put it the best use possible.”

Lokesh, Team Lead, LaQSH Plus Project, SHARE India and Dr Sentimeren, Managing Director NHAK also spoke at the launching programme.

The programme was chaired by Dr Vethihulu Vero, DD, CST, NSACS while concluding remarks was given by Adeno Kenna-o, Deputy Director, Lab Services, NSACS. Vikepu Tepa, Chaplain NHAK prayed for dedication of Viral Load Lab.

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