Mon, April 11 (MExN): For the smooth conduct of the forthcoming general election to the 18th Lok Sabha election 2024, the second phase of training for polling personnel was held at Government Higher Secondary School, Mon on April 9. Deputy Commissioner Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma IAS while briefing the trainees expressed his appreciation to the Polling Personnel Management Cell led by ADC Headquarter for their efforts. He also added that since the success of the election depends on the effectiveness of the polling personnel, he urged upon the trainees to be thorough with the procedures and directives of the ECI by sincerely attending the training.
Longleng: In regard to voting through Postal Ballot by Absentee Voters in the category of AVPD, AVSC, AVCO & AVES, the DC & DEO, Longleng has informed that the casting of vote by Absentee Voters in the category of AVES (Essential Service) will be from April 15 to 17 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Postal Voting Centre (PVC), Conference Room, DC Office Longleng. Therefore, all the Absentee Voters (AVES) who’s Form 12 D had been verified and confirmed is hereby informed to come and cast their vote on the date, time and venue mentioned above. It is further reiterated that there was Nil (0) application received by this office for the Form 12 D from Absentee Voters Category-AVSC, AVPD & AVCO.
Chümoukedima: DC & DEO, Chümoukedima, Abhinav Shivam, IAS has notified to all the Polling Personnel under Chümoukedima District that there will be sessions for clearing doubts as per the schedule gives below in the Conference Hall (3rd floor) of the Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Chümoukedima. Those who want to clear doubts may attend the sessions as per their requirement.
Phek: The two-day 2nd phase of training for all categories of Polling Personnel (Presiding. PO-I, PO-2 & PO-3) for Phek district got underway at Government Higher Secondary School, Phek on April 10.
Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer Phek, John Tsulise Sangtam, NCS while apprising the polling officers and the master trainers said as a DEO of the district, he said he solely depend on them for the smooth conduct of the election in the district. He called upon the polling officers to have good coordination amongst themselves and be well-equipped with the latest rules, regulations and instruction the of election system as it keep changing with the change of time. He also instructed the presiding officers to use the available resources to inform the election authorities if any threat, interference or problems arises in the polling booth.
DC & DEO Phek also informed that there will be a meeting on April 12 at 12:00 noon at the Conference hall of DC & DEO office Phek, for Sector Magistrates and Sector Commanders of Phek district. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss on the preparation and briefing for the upcoming 18th Lok Sabha election 2024. All concerned officials have been directed to attend the scheduled meeting without fail.
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