DIMAPUR, JUL 23 (NPN) : The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of police headquarters (PHQ) in the State crime police station (SCPS) case no. 02/2021 on Thursday submitted charge-sheet against 19 accused belonging to different factions in connection with the firing and killing of three persons at Lamhainamdi village on March 22.
The charge-sheet was filed under sections 302/120B/436/34 of Indian Penal Code (IPC), read with sections 25 (1A) 25 (1B) (a)/27(3) Arms Act and 7/8 NSR. In a press release, SP (Crime) & PRO PHQ said that while seven of the 19 accused charge-sheeted have already been arrested by SIT and were currently in judicial custody, the lookout for the remaining 12 accused continues.
PRO said that the seven arrested accused against whom charge-sheet had been filed were been identified as “Kisheto Zhimomi (head GB of Vihuto village), Munwang Konyak of NSCN (I-M), Tongkhahao Sitlhou of Athibung, Vikheshe Achumi of Thilixu, Yepeka Kiba of NSCN (I-M), Lentilen Hangsing of NSCN (U) and Livingson Awomi of Thilixu.”
Four other suspects arrested earlier in connection with the case, were subsequently granted bail, it said. A suo motto case in crime no. 02/2021 under sections 302/120 B/188/34 of IPC, read with 25 1B/27 (3) of Arms Act, was registered on March 23 against unknown persons by SCPS in connection with the firing and killing of three persons at Lamhainamdi on March 22. Subsequently, an SIT headed by a senior police officer was constituted for investigation of the case.
PRO said that “investigation had revealed that the 19 charge-sheeted accused were part of a deep-rooted criminal conspiracy to plan, prepare and execute” killing of the three persons at Lamhainamdi village”.
The SIT had visited the makeshift camp in the jungle about 2-3 km away from Vihuto village that was used for accommodation and preparation by the accused for committing the crime and collected various incriminating evidences, PRO said.
During the course of investigation, the SIT seized various incriminating evidences like photographs of the accused with arms during their stay at the makeshift jungle camp, videos, certain technical evidences, crucial material evidences such as ammunition and other incriminating materials from the scene of crime.
Identities of few other unknown persons involved in the case were also being established even as further investigation continued.
Source: http://www.nagalandpost.com/march-22-killing-sit-files-chargesheet-against-19-accused/236875.html
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