KU seeks apology from HM for statement on Dec. 4 killings

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Correspondent MON, DEC 11 (NPN) : Konyak Union (KU) on Saturday has demanded an apology from the Union home minister Amit Shah to Konyaks in particular and Nagas in general, for his statement in Parliament on December 6, that the Oting massacre was due to mistaken identity.

This was stated by Konyak Union spokespersons– T. Yanlem and Yingphe Konyak- at a press conference at the KU Hall here Saturday.

Yanlem also reminded about the 30-day deadline served by KU for taking action against those security forces involved in the shooting incident and also for the Special Investigation Team (SIT) to make its report public within 30 days.

Konyak Union has said that once its 7-day mourning period was over, various committees formed by it will pursue the avowed objective of justice for the victims of December 4 massacre at Oting.

Yanlem said it has been closely monitoring the entire situation since December 4 where the entire sequence of events till date were out in public domain.

Without naming any, Yanlem said that some print media had given wrong information that the incident was an ambush between security forces and NSCN (K).

Taking note of many “topsy turvy” news in circulation, the union stressed “We should try to pick up the ones that are factual and Konyak Union is very particular about that.”

Narrating the sequence of incidents on December 4, he said, first eight boys returning from coal mine (at Tiru) were ambushed in the evening, of which six were killed on the spot and two who were grievously injured, were taken away.

Yanlem said when the youths did not reach their village at Oting even after night fell, the villagers feared the worst. Eventually at around 8.30 p.m. KU said a team was formed to go and look for the youths. The team then arrived at the scene but instead found the bodies of the slain youths in the vehicle of the 21 Paras hidden under a sheet. This shocking discovery made the villagers very angry and after which a scuffle ensued with the 21 Paras. KU said in the fracas, the 21 Paras opened fire against the villager and again seven more were killed on the spot.

Yanlem demanded to know about the role of the troops of 21 Para of Indian Army, based at Jorhat in the December 4 incident.

He also accused 21 Paras of trying to put on camouflage dress on the bodies of the victims and placing weapons on their sides to “tell the world that the innocent villagers were terrorists killed in the encounter”. He also condemned such an attempt to fake an encounter was wrong as the youths were on their way home for the weekend to attend Sunday devotional service the next day with their families.

He also questioned how 21 Para commandos, as an elite force acted in such a manner by depending solely on wrong information given by certain individual(s) or sources. The sheer act of madness on the part of the 21 Paras had resulted in the loss of lives of innocent civilians, he said.

Further, Yanlem also questioned the remark made by one Maj (retd) Gaurav Arya– who is the adviser on defence and strategy of Republic news channel, that the incident was the result of an encounter and the security forces had acted in self-defence. Maintained that the question of firing in self-defence did not arise as the victims were unarmed and innocent villagers.

Yanlem also said after the first few shots were fired, the 21 Paras should have realised that there was no return fire. It demanded to know from Maj (retd) Gaurav Arya as to what arms or weapons were used by the victims which led the 21 Paras to fire in self-defence?

Drawing attention on the purported statement made by a unit of Aam Aadmi Party that the slain boys were “terrorists”, he demanded proof or source of information for which the party made such a sweeping remark.

He also recalled that as a member of ENPO from 2007, KU has given a slogan that Eastern area should be a peace zone. Yanlem also wondered whether the agreements– 2015 Framework Agreement signed between NSCN (I-M) and Government of India and the 2017 Agreed Position between Centre and NNPGs– were being implemented in true spirit.

He said all these agreements were signed to ensure that Nagas were brought to the mainstream but now questioned whether this was the way to bring the people to the mainstream?

It also reminded that an Assam Rifles rifleman Khatnei Konyak from Mon district had laid down his life fighting militants in Manipur. Despite such sacrifices being made by people from Konyak area, KU questioned whether such was the gift by killing innocent civilians.

Also addressing the media, Yingphe Konyak took exception to the statement made by union home minister Amit Shah and said it was “very shameful on the part of Government of India to make such a huge statement”.

She said Amit Shah should have first checked his facts before addressing Parliament.

“Amit Shah has to clarify, apologise and ask for forgiveness from the Konyak people and the people of Nagaland,” Yingphe demanded.

She also demanded to know which army law mandated an army man to change dress of civilians after shooting them dead?

On Shah’s claim that the incident was a “mistaken identity”, she asked how they could be not identified when the incident had taken place around 4.30 p.m. in broad daylight?

She said Shah, as a Union home minister, should also know the meaning of an ambush– a surprise attack from a hidden position. She said when security forces were meant to protect the civilians, attacking them from a hidden position was shameful too.

She expressed dismay that government of India handled the entire incident with an indifferent attitude, which the Northeast had been facing for over 60 years.

On the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) of 1958, Yingphe alleged that it was nothing but to torture, rape and kill and that Northeast could not be made as a practice ground.

She pointed out that on one side the government was sending Naga Regiment to fight the enemies of India and win the war, while on the other, the army was being sent here to kill their own people. “This cannot be justified,” she asserted.

With so much discussion going on about Naga solution, Yingphe asked whether using the military was the solution.

The spokespersons also asserted that the December 4 incident could not be termed as any other incident or forgiven by terming it as “mistaken identity”. They said unless the 21 Para commandos were blind, there was no question of “mistaken identity”.

On the claims that the vehicle was asked to stop at two checkpoints, the spokespersons pointed out as the particular approach road was narrow and small and so the question of setting up a checkpoint did not arise, which could also be confirmed from ground zero. The duo therefore, urged the police and district administration to come with a clear statement on whether there was any check-point in that area.

Further, the KU spokespersons claimed that when the first gunshot was heard, Oting Students’ Union president had alerted the district administration seeking intervention. But, regretted that the administration representatives had arrived late.

The KU spokespersons also reminded that they submitted a charter of demands to the President of India and marked a copy to Prime Minister, defence minister and chief minister.

The two said KU would ensure that justice was delivered to the victims at the earliest and warned of taking the matter beyond the State if justice was not delivered within the specified time.

Source:  http://www.nagalandpost.com/ku-seeks-apology-from-hm-for-statement-on-dec-4-killings/246430.html

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