Govt issues SOP for reopening of schools in Nagaland

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Our Correspondent
Kohima | February 1

The state government today issued the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the reopening of schools in Nagaland for students of classes 6 to 12 (twelve) on the preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 and for strict compliance by all concerned throughout the state of Nagaland.

The Directorate of School Education, Nagaland has permitted the resumption of conduct of regular classes for students of classes 6 and above in all the schools functioning in Nagaland from February 8.

For the safety of the students, teachers and all others concerned, the SOP was issued today by Nagaland’s Chief Secretary J Alam in exercise of the powers, conferred under Section 22 (2) (b) and Section 22 (2) (h) of the Disaster Management Act 2005.

• The SOP outlines various generic precautionary measures to be adopted in addition to specific measures to be taken to prevent spread of COVID-19 when schools resume normal functioning for students of classes 6 to 12.

Generic Preventive Measures
• The generic preventive measures include simple public health measures that are to be followed to reduce the risk of COVID-19.
• These measures need to be observed by all (teachers, employees and students) in these places at all times.
• Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed as far as feasible
• Use of face covers / masks to be made mandatory
• Frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds) even when hands are not visibly dirty. Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds) can be done wherever feasible.
• Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly. Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest.
• Spitting shall be strictly prohibited.
• Installation & use of Aarogya Setu App may be advised wherever feasible.

All schools (with classes 6 to 12) shall specifically ensure the following arrangements
• Seating arrangement to ensure a distance of 6 feet between chairs, desks etc.
• Schools shall prepare alternate day routine for classes.
• Schools shall frame the alternate day routine as per the enrolment in each class and the infrastructure facilities available.
• Supplementary Online / distance learning shall be encouraged.

• Schools outside the containment zones only shall be allowed to open.
• Further, students, teachers and employees living in containment zones will not be allowed to attend schools. Students, teachers and employees shall also be advised not to visit areas falling within containment zones.
• iGOT online modules training course on ‘basic awareness on COVID ( 313010389971255296164) may be undertaken by all employee and students on the first day.

Availability and management of supplies
• Appropriate back-up stock of personal protection items like face covers / masks visors, hand sanitizers etc. shall be made available by school managements to teachers and employees.
• Provide adequate supply of thermal guns, alcohol wipes or 1% sodium hypochlorite solutions and disposable paper towels, soap, IEC materials on COVID.
• Pulse oximeter to check oxygen saturation levels of any symptomatic person must be arranged.
• Ensure availability of sufficient covered dustbins and trashcans. Provision for proper disposal of used personal protective items and general waste in accordance with CPCB guidelines (available at: /Bio-Medical-Waste/BMW- GUIDELINES-COVID pdf) shall be made.
• Housekeeping employees to be informed & trained about norms for waste management & disposal

• Entrance to have mandatory hand hygiene (sanitizer dispenser/hand washing facilities) and thermal screening provisions. Multiple gates/separate gates, if feasible, should be used for entry and exit.
• Only asymptomatic persons (teachers, employees and students) to be allowed in the premises. If a teacher employee /student is found to be symptomatic, he/she should be referred to nearest health center.
• Posters/standees on preventive measures about COVID-19 to be displayed prominently.
• Proper crowd management in the parking lots, in corridors and in elevators – duly following physical distancing norms shall be organized.
• Entry of visitors should be strictly regulated restricted.

Conduct of activities in the rooms or open spaces within the school campus
• Seating arrangement to ensure a distance of 6 feet between chairs desks etc.
• Staggering of activities to be done, with separate timings/slots, to allow for adequate physical distancing and disinfection of classroom premises.
• The teaching faculty will ensure that they themselves and students wear masks throughout the conduct of the teaching/guidance activities.
• Sharing of items like notebook, pens/pencil, eraser, water bottle etc amongst student should not be allowed.

Conduct of skill based training in workshops/laboratories
• For practical activities in laboratories maximum capacity per session based on redesigned spaces, may be planned and scheduled accordingly.
• Prior to resumption of activities, all work areas intended for teaching/demonstrations etc., including laboratories, other common utility areas shall be sanitized with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution, with particular attention to frequently touched surfaces.
• Schools that were used as quarantine centers will be properly sanitized and deep cleaned before functioning of the school is resumed.
• Instead of biometric attendance alternate arrangements for contactless attendance shall be made by the school administration.
• At all times, the teachers and students shall maintain a physical distancing of 6 feet apart, wherever feasible. Scheduling of activities and seating plan shall be made accordingly.
• Hand washing facilities along with provision of soap shall be ensured.
• For ensuring queue management, inside and outside the premises, specific markings on the floor with a gap of 6 feet may be made. Similarly, physical distancing shall also be maintained in staff rooms, office areas (including reception area), and other places (mess, libraries, cafeterias, etc.).
• Weather permitting, outdoor spaces may be utilized for conducting teacher student interactions, keeping in view the safety and security of students and physical distancing protocols.
• Assemblies, sports and events that can lead to overcrowding are strictly prohibited.
• Schools should display State helpline numbers and also numbers of local health authorities etc to teachers/students/employees to contact in case of any emergency.
• For air-conditioning/ventilation wherever applicable, the guidelines of CPWD shall be followed which emphasizes that the temperature setting of all air conditioning devices should be in the range of 24-30 ° C, relative humidity should be in the range of 40-70 % intake of fresh air should be as much as possible and cross ventilation should be adequate.
• Lockers of students will remain in use, as long as physical distancing and regular disinfection is maintained.
• Gymnasiums shall follow the provisions of the SOPS.
• Swimming Pool (wherever applicable) shall remain closed.
• Cafeteria/mess facility within the school premises shall remain closed, the SOP stated.
• In term of transportation, proper physical distancing, sanitation of buses and other transport vehicles (with 1% Sodium hypochlorite) shall be ensured.

The SOP also touches on hygiene and sanitation, risk communication and psycho-social well being.

The order stated that any violation of the provisions of the above SOP will attract action as per legal provisions against the management of the school/institution.


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