FPAI Nagaland conducts sensitization meet on SRHiE advocacy

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Our Correspondent
Kohima | June 1

The Family Planning Association of India (FPAI), Nagaland Branch, Kohima, conducted a sensitisation-cum-media meet pertaining to the humanitarian works of the state branch and Sexual Reproductive Health in Emergencies (SRHiE) advocacy of the Association during crisis and post-crisis situations through its Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP).  MISP is a set of life-saving activities to be implemented at the onset of every humanitarian crisis.

The FPAI, which has been working on sexual and reproductive health for the last 75 years, launched the SPRINT IV project aimed at supporting sexual and reproductive health services, said Vincent Belho, General Manager, FPAI, Nagaland Branch, Kohima, at the meet held at the Kohima Press Club on May 31.

He said that during conflicts, natural disasters and public health emergencies, sexual and reproductive health needs are often overlooked-with staggering consequences. He said that pregnant women risk life-threatening complications without access to delivery and emergency obstetric care services.

“Women and girls may lose access to family planning services, exposing them to unintended pregnancy in perilous conditions. Women and girls also become more vulnerable to sexual violence, exploitation and HIV infection,” Belho said.

In such situation, protection mechanisms and service delivery breaks down. With its Minimum Initial Service Package, he said that the FPAI ensures that clusters are identified through organisations/agencies to lead the MISP implementation.

“This pre-preparedness for MISP is through training of humanitarian personnel in collaboration with volunteers, partner organisations, district level disaster management and health service delivery systems,” he said.

The Nagaland branch is among 12 Branches across the FPAI network selected for training, advocacy and implementation.

C-19 RM KP Grant Global Fund
Highlighting C-19 RM KP Grant Global Fund (GF) – Plan India 2023-24, Punasongla Jamir, Counselor, FPAI, Nagaland Branch, informed that the GF project aims to provide health services, specifically SRH services to the key population.

It is implemented in 10 branches, Nagaland branch being one. Under this project, it has a doctor and specialist services, two counsellors and a lab technician.

The GF project aims at strengthening pathways to social protection, increasing awareness, rights and opportunities, advocacy for change, Integrated Health Clinic and Specialist Clinical services and CSE sessions for young People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and services for aging PLHIVs.

Key population (KP) under the GF project includes PLHIV, IDUs, MSM, FSW, Transgender, Non-binary/ bisexual and partners of KP/HRGs. The main key populations focused by Nagaland Branch are PLHIV and IDUs, Jamir said.

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