ARK Foundation launches helpline for TPT

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DIMAPUR, AUGUST 9 (MExN): In the light of the need to further create awareness among the community and scale up the uptake of Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment (TPT) in the state, ARK (Access to Rights and Knowledge) Foundation launched a TBT helpline for household contacts (HHCs) and other risk populations. 

The helpline was launched after a TPT specific state review meeting was held on August 8 with attendance by host of other partners and NGOs working in the field of TB and HIV. 

At the review meeting, ARK Foundation president, Ketho Angami shared numerous topics about LTBI and the importance of its treatment through TPT. While the present TPT program through Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) needs improvements to benefit for the community, a newer version of TPT has been recommended by the WHO and the Central TB Division know as 3HP, he revealed. 

While the World Health Organisation (WHO) indicates that Isoniazid is the most widely used TPT regimen in the world; Rifapentine is another drug that is now an integral part of TPT. When combined, Isoniazid and Rifapentine forms a short-course TPT regimen that prevents TB in less time than the longer IPT regimen.

Of the globally recommended short-course regimens, the most commonly used is a 12-week regimen of rifapentine-isoniazid called 3HP. 

Therefore, Ketho stated that, in the absence of a broadly effective vaccine, preventive therapy is extremely important in TB prevention. Currently, WHO recommends preventive therapy in all childhood household contacts (under 5 years) of someone diagnosed with active TB disease, people with HIV as long as active TB disease has been ruled out
Ketho also pointed out that the United Nations came out with a political declaration on TB which stated that countries will commit to prevent TB for those most at risk of falling ill through provision of preventive treatment, with a focus on high-burden countries so that at least 30 million people, including 4 million children under five years of age, 20 million other household contacts of people affected by TB, and 6 million people living with HIV and AIDS, will receive preventive treatment by 2022, with the vision to reach millions more.

Also dwelling on the importance of TB prevention among PLHIVs, Ketho underscored the need to create more awareness among the PLHIV and other vulnerable communities so as to treat the infection before it starts making the person sick. 

The meeting resolved to integrate the subject of TPT (IPT+3HP) in their various field activities such as counselling, referral, awareness and community meetings at various levels.

Anyone seeking any information regarding TPT (IPT+3HP), may visit the office of the ARK Foundation, Top Floor, MK Market, Near Razhu Point, Kohima on all working days. One can also reach out through WhatsApp and Call @+91 8119887952, for information and avail the services free of cost. 

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