‘If Mizoram can do it, if Aizawl can do it, Nagaland can do it, Kohima can do it’ says SP Kohima
Morung Express News
Kohima | June 22
Superintendent of Police, Kohima, Imnalensa, IPS on Wednesday made a clarion call to fellow riders “to adhere to lane driving” and to make that a USP for Kohima city as well. Citing Aizawl in this regard, he stated that one of the USPs of the city “was the ability of the two wheelers to adhere to traffic rules to maintain discipline on the road.”
“If Mizoram can do it, if Aizawl can do it, Nagaland can do it, Kohima can do it. If they can, we can!” he urged.
He was speaking at the World Motorcycle Day at SP Office Kohima which was organised by Kohima Police in collaboration with KK Motors (Royal Enfield) and Nagaland Motorcycle Club (NMC) Kohima Chapter.
Also pointing to the blaring of silencers especially at night, he said that, “earlier it used to be about loudspeakers…but now there is this issue of modified exhausts creating noise pollution.” Stating that modification of silencers and exhausts is not permissible under the Motor Vehicle Act, he said, “as enlightened citizens of Kohima, let us carry this message to the length and breadth of not just Kohima city but to the entire district and to Nagaland.”
Bikers during the World Motorcycle Day organised by Kohima Police in collaboration with KK Motors (Royal Enfield) and Nagaland Motorcycle Club Kohima Chapter on June 21. (Morung Photo)
He further highlighted that World Motorcycle Day was organised with the objective to ensure that the two wheelers and the motorists in general are aware of the traffic rules; to ensure that in Kohima two wheelers also adhere to lane traffic; and to generate awareness and launch a campaign against modified exhausts or silencers which at times create a nuisance.
If you look around, he further added, “two wheelers or motorist fraternity is increasing day by day.” He also related a personal story of his father, who, “on this day in 1999 met with a very grievous accident.” He said that the awareness campaign is personal for him as he nearly lost his father. Besides, he added, “the dangers of motor vehicle accidents are ever present for you and for me.”
“As we ride, as we drive, let us ride, let us drive responsibly. Let us generate awareness about safety measures to follow while riding, while driving. Together we can make a difference,” he exhorted the gathering.
In his short speech, Khriebu Nakro, President of Nagaland Motorcycle Club, Kohima Chapter said that their common love for riding has brought them together while also highlighting that as a club they also ride with a purpose. Besides other safety measures, he stated that, “what concerns us most is the use of modified exhausts which create noise pollution.”
“We also have a big role to play and I appeal to all present to cooperate with the concerned authority,” he said while expressing further that “to signify our seriousness and commitment, we will be surrendering a few exhausts to the concerned authority.” In this regard, he also urged those who have any such modified exhausts, to hand it over to the concerned authority even in the days to come.
He further assured that they will adhere to the rules and regulations while stating that “none of us are above the law and we have to set an example for the new and upcoming riders as well to contribute in whatever way possible. As such we will sincerely adhere to the rules prescribed and laid down and appeal all to do the same.”
As they build a foundation for social responsibility on traffic awareness campaign on World Motorcycle Day, General Manager of K.K Motors (Royal Enfield, Kohima), Sapulu Krocha also appealed “riders to be responsible and take safety measures while we pursue our passion and hobbies.”
“Let us all become responsible citizens, be self-disciplined and keep on reminding ourselves that we are equally responsible as we ride towards building a better society,” he stated.
Earlier, a total of four modified exhausts were handed over to the authority while the programme was chaired by T Henthai Phom, NPS, Dy SP (Traffic) Kohima.
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