New Delhi, October 26 (agencies) India’s daily tally of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) dropped 13.12 per cent with 12,428 fresh cases–lowest in months–according to the Union ministry of health and family welfare. The nation’s total infection tally now stands at 34,202,202, while the death toll climbed to 455,068 with 356 daily fatalities, according to the health ministry.
Out of the 14,306 new cases and 443 deaths in the country, Kerala reported 8,538 infections and 71 fatalities, on Monday. India has been recording a downward surge of Covid-19 cases with 14,306 fresh infections recorded on Monday and 15,906 new cases on Sunday.
Active cases fell by 3,879 to stand at 163,816 in the same period, according to data released by the health ministry at 8am. Active cases constitute 0.49 per cent of total cases and the national Covid-19 recovery rate stands 98.18 per cent, the ministry data also showed.
As many as 11,31,826 Covid-19 tests were conducted on Monday, taking the total number of tests conducted so far to 60,19,01,543. The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 33,583,318 while the case fatality rate stands at 1.33 per cent, it said.
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