Self-belief and resilience of Khonoma and its people

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Naga Republic Feature


Having heard and listened to many stories and read countless of reports in the media about this special place, we finally traveled to Khonoma Village (on June 16, 2023), to experience firsthand, what the land and its people had to offer.


After seeing the village and interacting with community elders what came across very clearly was the self-belief and resilience of Khonoma and its people. We left with beautiful memories and plenty of inspirations.


Listening to the story of Khonoma has given us hope that Nagas can rise to challenges and face the future with courage and foresight.










What our forefathers have build, preserved and passed on to us, it is now our responsibility to continue protecting our identity and values”, firmly states Neikedolie Heikha who runs Naga Bivouac, a travel and tour company based out of Khonoma.


Heikha is not just an entrepreneur but is also an emerging leader in the community. He serves as Chairman of the Khonoma Eco Tourism Committee, a big responsibility given the importance of Khonoma as a tourist destination.


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recently announced its list of the world’s ‘best villages’. Khonoma village is a part of the list, a recognition that has come about due to sustained work put in by the community over many years. Widely referred to as Asia’s first green village, Khonoma has also been identified by the government as one of the 50 tourist destinations of India.


Perhaps what sets Khonoma apart as a travel destination is that it has never been swayed by popular culture and material gain. The village and its citizens have very clear principles in what they want and are conscious of what is right for them.


We don’t want to promote mass tourism and in the process destroy our environment and way of life”, affirms Heikha. “We believe in responsible and sustainable tourism. We want to protect our forest and environment that our forefathers have dutifully preserved through the generations”, he mentions.


To build a community and advocate its values to the world also requires of its people to have a spirit of patriotism and sacrifice. People like Neikedolie Heikha are conscious of the duty they have to serve the community. Despite having an MBA in travel-tourism and the lure of the corporate world, Heikha and many others have decided to return and serve the people.


I may not earn like my friends in the cities or live a life of luxury. But I feel blessed to breathe clean and fresh air, eat organic food and to give back to the village through the work we are doing”, Heikha states with conviction in his voice.  Community leaders like Neikedolie Heikha have a clear conscience and firm belief in embracing the wisdom and values that is rooted in the past.


The community is also proud of the sustainable model of land use evolved—most notably the indigenous alder based agroforestry farming system developed and practiced since time immemorial. “Although our farming system is traditional, it is also highly scientific and refined”, Heikha proudly mentions.


As rightly noted by writers and observers who are witness to Khonoma’s way of life, the village is “known not only for being the last frontier the British could never conquer but also for its environmental conscious community and distinct farming practices”. 


If you add to the list of accolades that Khonoma has earned for itself, other than being a popular tourist destination, one would have to say that it is the moral foundation that gives Khonoma a sense of purpose and direction.


Take for instance the deep-felt need to have good governance that is very much missing in most of Nagaland. In Khonoma the governance of the village is guided by accountability and transparency.


In Khonoma the Village Development Board cannot escape responsibility and must perform through checks and balances”, explains Heikha. He mentions how MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) funds were utilized to build the village roads and drainage.


The stone paved roads in and around the village; water harvesting tanks, waste collection points all are testimony to the effort towards good governance and improving quality of life in the village.


In the corner of the village is the only café called Uku, managed and run by womenfolks. One can notice that here too the larger goal is to look beyond jobs and income, while preserving and promoting community-based values and products, including the protection of the environment. Single-use plastic is banned in the village.


A walk around Khonoma, arguably one of the most respected Naga villages, brings to light the strength and resolve of the community to define its own path that is inspired by the land, its people and their God given resources.


The legend of Khonoma village is truly alive and well.


The above write-up is a travel diary of a visit on June 16, 2023 to Khonoma village under Kohima District in the State of Nagaland

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