Be beacons of peace: FNR reiterates ‘Call to Goodwill’

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Dimapur, August 21 (MExN): The Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) today reiterated ‘A Call to Goodwill’ endorsed by apex Naga Church organisations, Naga civil societies and the FNR on July 29, 2023. 

“We once again reiterate that ‘the Nagas take an essential moment to deeply reflect on the foreseeable impact of current events in Manipur, on our land and society. Naga people, in the broadest sense, must vigilantly guard against playing any role of erecting walls of our own’,” the Forum announced in a statement received here. 

“Nagas resolve to abstain from succumbing to hatred and innuendos of any kind. Nagas resolve to abstain from succumbing to hatred and innuendos of any kind. We will remain clear and free of violence, be it through written words, mythmaking, propagating falsehoods, discriminating against specific people groups, or the causing of physical harm,” the July 29 meeting had endorsed. 

“It is our moral responsibility that these acts are not entertained in Naga areas.” 

Accordingly, to demonstrate and to practice the way of peace and goodwill, in the midst of hatred and violence, the FNR stated: “We must preserve the power of restraint and above everything else, hold fast our faith in God.” 

“We call upon all to, consciously think and accept the pain of the historical moment, and give way to peace and goodwill,” it said. 

“In our region, the North-East, people can be liberated, through peace and goodwill.  This is our hope for a tormented humanity caged in by its own makings,” it underscored. 

To this end, it asserted that along with the Naga Church and Naga CSOs, the FNR will remain alert to any Naga political groups, Naga organisations, and individuals not complying to the call.

 “We earnestly appeal to all concerned bodies and individuals to be beacons of peace in such a time as this,” it added. 

The July 29 meeting was attended among others by the Eastern Naga Peoples’ Organisation, Naga Hoho, Nagaland Gaon Bura Federation; Naga Students’ Federation, Tenyimi Peoples’ Organisation; Global Naga Forum; Fellowship of Naga Baptist Association, comprising of 60 Baptist associations; and Nagaland Joint Christian Forum, with a total of 3,786 plus churches.

The meeting also resolved to endorse the FNR to “work out a goodwill mission to Manipur to be fully supported by the organisations gathered” and further called upon “other Naga organisations to render their supportive co-operation.”

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