Intentional inclusion: It’s a good thing, it works and it’s powerful

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Morung Express News
Kohima | May 14



Amplifying the essence of Community Radio, 90.8 Hills FM today organised its Kohima Chapter at D/Café, highlighting that “as curators and protectors of our space, there is a need to allow people with whom we share it with to explore and co-create through experiential learning for gender equality.”

Organised under the theme, “Intentional Inclusion- Collective action for a common purpose”, Managing Director of the Community Radio, Imali Hesso remarked that, “we believe in quality and not quantity because through these small events we are able to figure out what we are able to do and what society needs.” 

The event, she illustrated is “all about inclusiveness and how we can create a safe space so we can share, learn, grow, motivate and encourage each other. That’s only possible by coming together.”

Delivering a motivation speech at the event, Theja Meru, Advisor to Task Force for Music & Arts (TaFMA) commented that “inclusion is such a beautiful word, and it is not only right but it has power and it works all the time, everywhere.” He stated that it is not just the right thing to do, but it is an answer that we search and is a solution to life and of our pursuit to help everybody.

Towards this end, he highlighted that in 2019, TaFMA consciously adopted 20 children from Kohima Orphanage, who came to be known as “Sunshine Orchestra” of Nagaland Chapter and being mentored under AR Rahman. These children, he said, went on to recently perform at the Concert for Friendship organised by British Council in Chennai along with their counterparts from Scotland.

He also cited the RCEMPA Jotsoma being made differently-able friendly and that People with Disability are entitled with 50% discount for any ticketed show.

On the Open House initiative of TaFMA, he said they are consciously including all the districts spread across Nagaland. “From next month, there will be concerts and talk shows like this in all the districts of Nagaland every month. We are taking everybody on this journey of dreams and when we are pursuing greatness we shouldn’t also forget those who are upcoming. It’s also something that we have to consciously think about otherwise we just focus on Kohima or Dimapur,” he pointed out.

“If someone somewhere had not consciously and intentionally reached out to include, there would be still someone, somewhere unknown in spite of all the talents and greatness that lies within. Inclusion is incredibly the right thing to do, it’s a good thing; it works and it’s powerful,” Meru emphasized.

Dili Khekho, Owner of D/Café shared his Coffee Journey that began in the year 2015 with no resources but his love for coffee and the desire to create a space for people. Three principles he has followed in this journey, he highlighted are what he calls the 3Cs that stand for consistency, customer service, and cleanliness. “We may fail in a lot of ways but we try to follow these three principles,” he said. 

Highlights of the event included special song by Brooke Shitiri and Ale Thele, and closing remarks by Vitono Haralu while Vilivi Sheqi was the host.

90.8 Hills FM Community Radio to organise Women Festival
90.8 Hills FM Community Radio is also gearing up to organise Women Festival towards the end of this year as a culmination of all the events and initiatives that the Community Radio is currently undertaking. Vitono Haralu highlighted that this has been conceptualised to acknowledge and tell the stories of women in different fields while pointing out that “we talk about equality but never told our women stories.” She said that the Women Festival would also feature awards and exhibition celebrating women from all the districts of Nagaland.

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